No meaningful freedom with load shedding: Ramaphosa

No meaningful freedom with load shedding: Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa says freedom cannot be meaningful while South Africans still have to deal with the impact of load shedding. 

No meaningful freedom with load shedding: Ramaphosa

Ramaphosa delivered the keynote address at the official Freedom Day celebrations at Klerksdorp in North West on Thursday. 

It has been 29 years since South Africans lined-up to cast their votes in the country's first democratic elections in 1994. 

“Freedom cannot be meaningful when South Africans homes and businesses are without electricity for several hours in a day. That is why we are using every means at our disposal to restore Eskom’s power stations and to build new generation capacity as a matter of greatest urgency," the president said.

“Freedom cannot be meaningful when more than 10 million South Africans are out of work. That is why we need to pursue far reaching reforms, we are undertaking to make our economy more competitive, more inclusive and more attractive to investors." 

Ramaphosa urged South Africans to call out corruption. 

“Let us stand firm against all that does not progress this family and behaviour of those who want to destabilise our South African family. Let us stand firm against corruption and the theft of state resources. Let us take a stand against public servants who neglect their responsibilities and duties”. 

“We must safeguard our gains and we must use those gains and build on them. We owe it to the generations to come that we should continue building this South Africa."


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