Oscar a poor witness: Judge

Oscar a poor witness: Judge

Murder accused paralympian Oscar Pistorius was a poor witness, the High Court in Pretoria heard on Thursday.


"The accused was a very poor witness," Judge Thokozile Masipa read from her judgment.

"During his evidence-in-chief he seemed composed and logical. During cross-examination he lost his composure."

She rejected Pistorius's defence that this was because he was under emotional stress, traumatised, and medicated.

"It was only under cross-examination that he contradicted himself and visibly felt uncomfortable," she said, explaining herself.

She said the evidence that the killing of Reeva Steenkamp was premeditated was "purely circumstantial".

"There are just not enough facts to support such a finding."

Pistorius is accused of murdering Steenkamp in his Pretoria townhouse on Valentine's Day last year. He shot her through the locked door of his toilet, apparently thinking she was an intruder about to emerge and attack him. She was hit in the hip, arm, and head.

The paralympian also faces three charges of contravening the Firearms Control Act -- one of illegal possession of ammunition and two of discharging a firearm in public. 

He allegedly fired a shot from a Glock pistol under a table at a Johannesburg restaurant in January 2013. 

On September 30, 2012 he allegedly shot through the open sunroof of a car with his 9mm pistol while driving with friends in Modderfontein.


Andre Johnson from the prosecution team said all media would need accreditation to get in.

She instructed that there would be no standing in court.

No food or drinks will be allowed into the courtroom.

By 8.40am, the back row of the gallery was already full.

Witness Darren Fresco was sitting in the front row next to Reeva Steenkamp's family. A bouquet of red roses was lying in front of Steenkamp's mother June.

The ANC Women's League said it expected justice to prevail.

"We expect that justice should be done," said ANCWL Gauteng spokeswoman Jacqui Mofokeng said.

"All of us want closure on the matter. We just need justice to prevail. A gun is not bouquet of flowers, it must be used responsibly."

Judge Thokozile Masipa was expected to start handing down judgment in the case at 9.30am.

Pistorius said he thought an intruder was behind the door of the toilet in his Pretoria home when he shot through it. He fired four times, killing his girlfriend Steenkamp on February 14, 2013.

The State says the murder was premeditated.

When the trial started on March 3, Pistorius pleaded not guilty to the murder charge, and to three firearm-related charges.



(File photo: Gallo Images)



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