Relations with Nigeria ‘remain strong' amid Adetshina saga

Relations with Nigeria ‘remain strong' amid Adetshina saga

International Relations and Cooperation Minister Ronald Lamola says South Africa’s relations with Nigeria remain strong amid the controversy over Miss South Africa contestant Chidimma Adetshina.

Relations with Nigeria ‘remain strong' amid Adetshina saga

Miss SA finalist Chidimma Adetshina announced her withdrawal from the pageant on Thursday, citing safety concerns and her family's well-being.

This announcement comes a day after the Department of Home Affairs reported prima facie evidence of fraud and identity theft involving her mother.

The 23-year-old law student was the topic of intense debate on social media due to her nationality. 

Adetshina was reportedly born in Soweto to a Nigerian father and a mother of Mozambican descent, raising questions about her eligibility to compete in Miss SA.

The Home Affairs investigation was launched following a request by the pageant's organisers. 

Speaking at a media briefing on MondayLamola said the diplomatic ties between the two countries have not been affected.

"Our diplomatic relations with Nigeria remain very strong, including at the cultural level, the continuous cultural exchanges.

"And obviously from time to time, there will, such challenges will be addressed when there are merits and demerits as and when they arise.”


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