SANCO, NUM warn ANC against DA partnership

SANCO, NUM warn ANC against DA partnership

The South African National Civic Organisation (SANCO) and the National Union of Mineworkers have added their voices to those warning the ANC against partnering with the DA.

Political Parties Posters
Anastasi Mokgobu/Jacaranda FM

Leaders of both organisations addressed workers at the NUM Policy Conference in Boksburg on Wednesday.

South Africans are waiting for the ANC to reveal its final decision on the makeup of a new government 

The ANC proposed a government of national unity, however, it is yet to announce which organisations will form part of the seventh administration.

Both SACP and COSATU have already strongly opposed a partnership with the DA, proposing a minority coalition as a viable alternative.

NUM President Mpho Phakedi also doesn’t believe that a partnership with the DA will benefit the working class.

"We are resolute in our position, we are not going to allow anything that involves DA into the government of our country.

“If the ANC choses not to listen to us, that is their baby, not ours. They must not blame us, they must know our position clearly as NUM.

“We are straightforward about this position, there are many options that they can chose from, but DA is no from us," warned Phakedi.

Meanwhile, SANCO Deputy President Christopher Malematja said the government’s failure to deliver on its promises led to workers deciding not  to vote in the general elections.

Malematja said this has led to the ANC to a place where is has to negotiate and form a government with a past enemy.

"Today we are in this quagmire were we haven't won elections, we promised a lot, we even had good policies that we never implemented.

“For that reason, workers decided to stay away from the polls.

“Today we are forced to go into negotiating table with the sons and daughters of the architecture of apartheid, the former enemy of the national democratic revolution, to go and negotiate how to govern.

“We are saying enough is enough. Everything that is about the citizens must benefit the citizens, no negotiations about that," said Malematja.


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