SIU has not seen De Ruyter’s ‘damning’ private investigation report

SIU has not seen De Ruyters damning private investigation report

The SIU has told parliamentarians that they only became aware of the private intelligence report into allegations of rampant corruption and maladministration at Eskom on the morning of the former CEO’s appearance at the committee.

Gen Mothibi

On the 26th of April, Andre de Ruyter made a virtual appearance before Scopa to elaborate on the explosive claims he made during a tv interview.

He, however, refused to disclose the names of the politicians he claimed were involved in acts of criminality at Eskom.

In the interview, De Ruyter alleged senior politicians were involved in large-scale corruption at the utility, and also claimed sabotage orchestrated by syndicates.

Special Investigations Unit (SIU) head Andy Mothibi said attempts to call De Ruyter following the airing of the interview proved futile.

The integrity of the private intelligence report De Ruyter had largely based his claims on has been called into question following a News24 expose that alleges the claims were untested.  

Mothibi said attempts to get the report from Eskom officials have yielded no results.

“The investigating team immediately requested a copy of the report, as it was important that we access it and see matters that required attention, and we were advised by Eskom on the 5th of May that Eskom is not in possession of that report.”

Mothibi raised questions over the appointment of the private investigations company, and how the probe was funded.

“How was the private investigations company paid or appointed? If the investigation was paid for by third parties, who are these third parties, without questioning their credentials? The other important question is whether the payment if paid by Eskom, was budgeted for and/or authorized by the accounting authority.

“Whether the outcome of the investigation is being acted upon and if so, how is it acted upon and by whom?”

He said they would also be probing how the report was allegedly leaked to the public.

Meanwhile, Hawks head Godfrey Lebeya confirmed that there are three known cases relating to the former CEO, including one of poisoning where he is the complainant.

“The second one is alleged failure to lodge a section 34 report in terms of PRECA in which he is cited as a suspect by Mr Mmusi Maimane, and lastly a report in terms of section 34 of PRECA submitted by a firm of attorneys on behalf of Mr de Ruyter.

It is important to note that this is the first report that was reported to the central reporting office submitted on behalf of Mr De Ruyter in relation to alleged corruption at Eskom. It was received a day before he appeared before Scopa.”

Earlier he said attempts by Hawks officials following the tv interview were met with a referral to his attorneys, but the meeting is yet to take place.


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