TIMELINE: The number of times Zuma survived 'motions of no confidence'

TIMELINE: The number of times Zuma survived 'motions of no confidence'

President Jacob Zuma has survived six motions of no confidence brought against him by opposition parties since March 10, 2010. 

President Zuma
The Congress of the People tabled the first motion of no confidence on March the 18, 2010, however, it was amended.  

On March 3rd, 2015 Agang also brought a motion of no confidence, however it was withdrawn.

Only four motion of confidence tabled by the Democratic Alliance have been voted on in parliament and all were unsuccessful.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has brought the recent motion of no confidence against President Jacob Zuma.

Parliament has scheduled for the motion to be debated on the 22nd of February 2018.

The EFF tried to push for the motion to be debated before the State of the Nation Address on the 8th of February.

The EFF’s Deputy President Floyd Shivambu says they brought the motion after the ANC’s 54th National Conference where Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa was elected President of the ANC.

He says they are confident that if parliament approves a secret ballot for this motion it will succeed.

EFF President Julius Malema was asked whether the EFF will boycott SONA 2018 during a media briefing.

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