UDM agrees to join government of national unity

UDM agrees to join government of national unity

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has confirmed it has accepted the invitation to join the government of national unity.

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Anastasi Mokgobu

The ANC-led coalition includes the DA, IFP, PAC, Freedom Front Plus, Patriotic Alliance and GOOD party.

The decision by the Bantu Holomisa-led party comes as the country awaits an announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on his cabinet.

Ramaphosa was inaugurated as president at the Union Buildings on Wednesday.

In a letter, sent to the ANC secretary general's office, the UDM said it is yet to sign an agreement.

"We note that those issues will later be discussed by all participants in the government of national unity. The agreement will subsequently be signed, and the public will be informed later on how the GNU will operate."

UDM has proposed the establishment of a Technical Committee after the GNU finalisation to scrutinise all the parties' manifestos and formulate policy around the coalition.

"This committee should also consider the manifestoes of those parties outside the GNU who are in Parliament, as they have been given a mandate by voters to effect change in South Africa,” it said.

"The UDM herewith accepts the invitation to join the government of national unity."


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