We will always be first line of defence: ANCYL

We will always be first line of defence: ANCYL

The ANC Youth League says it will never allow South Africans to attack President Jacob Zuma.

ANCYL logo

ANCYL secretary general Njabulo Nzuza says the youth league will always be the first line of defence when the president is attacked.


"How can we allow people to hit on the leader of the ANC? Because when you hit on the ANC, you hit on the future of this country. It is only the ANC that released South Africans from bondages of Apartheid."


Speaking at Zuma's 75th birthday celebrations, Nzuza had strong criticism for those marching against the president.


"The people who are marching today, are the same people who called Nelson Mandela a terrorist. They have not changed."


Cosatu President Sdumo Dlamini also addressed the celebration. 


"We wish you during this hard and trying times, as father, as a husband, as a leader, remain strong. I know that the workers of this country do wish the best for you. 


"Also personally from me, as you are my leader, we continue to tackle those difficult issues. I need you to be stronger all the time. Happy birthday!"


Cosatu is one of the tripartite alliance partners calling for the president to resign. 


Social development minister Bathabile Dlamini praised the president for his infectious mind and smile. 


"You will be President until your term finishes."


ANC deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte also addressed the gathering.

The birthday celebrations comes hours after an anti-Zuma march organised by opposition political parties.


Thousands of South Africans marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria today, demanding the president's resignation.  

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