Groom calls off wedding after 'insensitive' bride's comment about sister

Groom calls off wedding after 'insensitive' bride's comment about sister

A groom cancelled his wedding after hearing about his bride’s insensitive response to her sister during her time of need. 


A wedding planner shared the story with an online publication referring to the bride as a 'Bridezilla'.

Apparently, the bride’s sister got pregnant just before the wedding and informed the bride. The unimpressed bride then told the sister she could not deal with the inconvenience of her pregnancy on her wedding day.

Bridezilla story
Screenshot/Not Always Right

Sister: “We’ve been trying for three years. While the wedding may be your day, you knew what I was going through to get the chance to have a baby.” 

Bridezilla: “Well, then, I guess you can’t be at my wedding because I don’t want to deal with the problems your pregnancy will cause.”

Also See: Bride reads cheating groom's texts instead of wedding vows

As the wedding planner stood there shocked, she heard the door shut quietly and that was the end of that conversation. The sister had walked out without another word. 

A few months later, as the bride and her mom were with the wedding planner, a phone call came in from the sister, she’s had a miscarriage. 

Bridezilla: “Who was that?”

Bridezilla’s Mom: “Your sister… She lost the baby.”

Bridezilla: “Oh. Well, I guess she can be in my wedding, then, since she’s not pregnant anymore.”

Screenshot/Not Always Right

The mom then decided she would not be paying for the wedding anymore, leaving the to-be-bride in tears.

Mom not paying for wedding
Screenshot/Not Always Right

The wedding was then canceled by the would-be groom.

What are some of the worst stories you’ve come across about brides who only care about their wedding day and no one else? 

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