Mother blasted for buying her children Christmas gifts worth R40 000

Mother blasted for buying her children Christmas gifts worth R40 000

A mother has been branded selfish and disgusting for buying her children a mountain of Christmas presents that have swamped her tree.

Emma Tappings Christmas tree / Instagram.

After being lambasted on social media the mother of three h said that 'nobody is going to change my mind' about the Christmas gifts for her kids.

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38-year-old Emma Tapping from the Isle of Man, who has previously spent more than £2,000 (roughly R40 000) on gifts for her children - has come under fire from social media users who called her 'selfish'. The mom of tree faced criticism over the hoards of presents in previous years but once again shared a picture of the huge pile of presents to her Instagram followers.

One commenter called it 'disgusting' but she has said that 'nobody is going to change my mind' about the gifts. 

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27 year old mother of 3, #EmmaTapping is be criticised after sharing a picture of her tree online that revealed 300 gifts for her family underneath that cost $2,000.The presents are for her two daughters, son and husband. What are your thoughts? I feel like people will Hate no matter what you do, and social media breeds negative energy, and people will always tell others how to live their lives and what they should be doing according to some bullshit standard. You or I may not have went out and spent $2,000 in gifts for christmas and posted it for social media, but hey that's life, let people live how they want, it's not like any of you mfas had to buy the gifts... #wise_supreme 👑

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Another follower added: "So many people have nothing you should donate them. Personally, I think this is ridiculous who needs this many it’s just selfish."

Other followers came to her defence, writing: 'I think she should spend her hard earned money on what she wants – who are we to judge.'

Is there such a thing as too many gifts for Christmas. Share your thoughts below.

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