5 Worst Afrikaans Music Videos!

5 Worst Afrikaans Music Videos!

According to some, these are the 5 worst Afrikaans Music videos's ever made. What do you think?


We think most people will agree that it's just too easy to make a music video these days…

Today for 'Mail Of The Day' on MBD, a listener alerted us to these 5 Afrikaans music videos via Channel24 online, and according to them, they are the worst ever!

What do you think?


At 5 is Chrizaan, with her (attempted) Katy Perry - like Lollipop



At 4 is a chap called 'Hannes', with his song, 'n Ster Vir My... We have never heard of it either...


At 3 is an Afrikaans artist called 'Sussie', with a song called 'Groet Voel Paradys'...


At 2 is a young lady calling herself 'Natasha' (No extra points for having no surname? Nope) with her 'Boe Ba Bokkie'.


And at Number 1, we know this young man very well... remember Kaptein Skuim's little run in with Dirk van der Westhuizen last year over this one? Yep, it's 'Supercool (Wop Wop) Gangnam Style'...

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