Deliah's Advice for a Strip Club Cover Up

Deliah's Advice for a Strip Club Cover Up

Wendy discovers that her husband is lying about expensive lunches and is actually going to strip clubs! Listen to the advice our Cape Town flower seller, Deliah gives to the worried Wendy.


Our show Agony Aunt is back to help a worried Wedny deal with her husband’s indiscretions.


Dear Agony Aunt,


For the last couple of months my husband has been taking very expensive lunches, he says it is for clients, the restaurant is called Steve’s Steakhouse, but when I tried looking the place up to look at the very expensive menu, couldn’t find it anywhere! The only thing that came up was a blog where other woman complained about the same place. To my horror, I discovered it is a strip club.


How do I keep him from going to strip clubs and wasting all our money?



Worried Wendy


The advice from Deliah:


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