Good Morning Angels (Luday)
Updated | By Bronwyn Hardick

Luday van der Merwe is a hero.
REQUEST FROM: Various people
REQUEST FOR: Luday van der Merwe
ANGEL: Andreas Eracleous, Medizone Health Care in Northcliff (In Studio)
SPONSORING: Medizone Health did a fundraiser for Luday and managed to raise R50 000,00 to help him with medical costs
Luday van der Merwe Trust
FNB Zambesi
Account nr: 62392512375
Branch code: 230145
Reference: Luday van der Merwe
WATCH: This story on Sunday at 9:20 and 17:55 on "Vat my Hand" sponsored by Builders Warehouse on KykNet, DSTV Channel 144
Luday van der Merwe is a hero. He is 16-years old and was lying in a hospital bed in Ga'Rankuwa's George Mukhari State Hospital when we first spoke to him in January.
After months in hospital, he is now back at the Meerhof School. Doctors say he will never walk again. Luday's spine was hit by a bullet on New Years' Eve, when he was out with his girlfriend and some friends. There was an altercation with robbers and when a gunshot went off, in his girlfriend's direction, he jumped in front of her - to shield her from the bullet. Luday says he did it, because that's how his mother taught him.
His mother died after a long battle with breast cancer on 4 February last year. He never knew his dad. Luday's grandmother, Jenny Wallis, looks after him. She did so before, when he was injured in a vehicle crash seven years ago. She helped him walk again then and believes that he will do it again this time.
She works full time, from 12PM to 7PM, so that she can spend her mornings with Luday. These is no money for a medical aid and Luday needs specialized care in a Private Hospital - as the shrapnel from the bullet is still in his body.
Doctors are worried that these pieces could go into his vital organs, which would cost him his life. Good Morning Angels helped with a R30 000,00 donation towards medical care and the Apple iStore gave Luday and iPad 2, to keep him connected during his long hospital stay. But, others heard hid plight and they too want to help.
Dear Good Morning Angels
My name is Andreas Eracleous and I am the owner of a company called Medizone Health Care in Northcliff.
Our Company is a direct sales organisation that specializes in the sale of Medical ozone products to the general public through in house presentation.
Medizone products are designed to improve the health and wellbeing of all who wish to treat and prevent disease through the power of oxygen/ozone! and thousands of people around the world today have been treated and even more cured with the amazing power of ozone.
See website:
Kind Regards
Andreas Eracleous (CEO)
Medizone NorthCliff
Ai, my kind. My moed sit in my skoene.”
So het Jenny Wallis gesê toe ’n volledige prentjie van haar kleinseun, Luday van der Merwe, se toestand gisteroggend aan haar gegee is.
Die dokter het verduidelik dit kan lewensgevaarlik wees om ’n MR (magnetiese resonansie)- skandering op Luday te doen om die presiese omvang van die skade van ’n koeël aan sy ruggraat te bepaal. Maar hy het bevestig Luday is vir altyd verlam.
Luday is Oujaarsaand geskiet toe drie rowers hom en twee vriende in Brits aangeval het.
Hy is getref toe hy die meisie uit die pad gestamp het.
Volgens die dokter wat hom in die spinale afdeling van die Dr. George Mukhari-hospitaal in Ga-Rankuwa behandel, het die koeël teen Luday se ruggraat vasgeslaan en “ontplof”.
Die koeëlstukke het in sy bolyf, onder meer sy ruggraat en longe, versprei.
“Omdat die MR-skandeerder met magnetiese kragte werk, kan dit dié skrapnel laat beweeg wat byvoorbeeld sy hart kan binnedring.
“Die dokter het ook bevestig dat Luday nou ’n parapleeg is. Hy is van sy bors af ondertoe verlam,” het Wallis gesê.
Toe sy Luday vertel dat hy enigiets van sewe maande tot ’n jaar in die hospitaal kan lê, het die tiener geantwoord: “Nou wat moet ek nóú doen, Ouma?”
“Hy het verskriklik maer geword. Sy oë sit sommer so agter-in die kaste,” het Wallis gesê.
Sy en Luday ontvang sielkundige berading by die hospitaal.
“My hart het nie vrede nie. Ek voel nog kwaad. Luday weet twee verdagtes is gevang, maar dit lyk nie of dit hom laat beter voel nie,” het Wallis gesê.
Haar werkskofte is so aangepas dat sy soggens by Luday kan kuier. Sy werk nou van 12:15 tot ná 19:00.
“Ek moet dit doen, want Luday gaan ’n rolstoel en voltydse sorg nodig hê as hy huis toe kom. Ons het my salaris broodnodig,” het Wallis verduidelik.
Luday het sewe jaar gelede breinskade tydens ’n ongeluk opgedoen. Wallis versorg hom vandat sy ma verlede jaar oorlede is.
“Maar ek staan op my geloof. Die dokter self het gesê God is groot en wonderwerke gebeur.
“Luday lewe. En dit is ’n goeie begin.”
- ’n Trustfonds, beheer deur Hamann en Botha-prokureurs, is geopen om Luday se mediese koste te help dek.
Jenny Wallis is soveel as moontlik aan haar kleinseun, Luday van der Merwe (16), se sy in die Dr. George Mukhari-hospitaal in Ga-Rankuwa.
Foto: Liza van Deventer
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