Mthethwa: Olympic gold medallists get R450k reward for ‘outstanding performance’

Mthethwa: Olympic gold medallists get R450k reward for ‘outstanding performance’

South Africa’s 2020 Tokyo Olympic medallists will get a handsome cheque for flying the SA colours high at the two-week long sporting event. 

Tatjana Schoenmaker - afp

Sports Minister Nathi Mthethwa announced the incentive packages in a media briefing on Friday.


Each gold medalist will walk away with almost half a million, while silver medalists will receive R220,000 and bronze medalists R100,000 each. 


Tatjana Schoenmaker bagged the country’s only gold medal at the competitive games last month. 


The 24-year-old also broke the world record in the women’s 200m breast stroke and won the silver medal in the women’s 100, breast stroke.


Schoenmaker scoops a grand R850,000 for her impressive performance. 


A 27-year-old surfer, Bianca Buitendag, won a silver medal in her sporting code.


“In terms of our 2020/21 annual performance plan again, we are guided by our core values of an athlete-centred and excellence driven sports system,” said Mthethwa. 


“Our aim as a department is to provide incentives and to applaud individual athletes and teams who continue to make our nation proud by displaying exceptional performance and attaining remarkable results,” he added. 


Mthethwa hailed the athletes for a good run, adding he hoped for better prospects at the 2024 Paris Olympics. 


He also admitted grassroots sports hadn’t received sufficient resources but vowed to better capacitive schools and communities for future games. 


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