Finally! A beer that makes you giggle like a kid again

Finally! A beer that makes you giggle like a kid again

Helium beer... need we say more


We all remember the joy we felt as children when we spotted those floating helium party ballons, spending the next few minutes laughing hysterically at each other's chipmunk voices. 


Then we grew up and discovered... beer.

We would spend the next few hours sipping away, chatting, laughing and unwinding only to get wound up again later when someone crosses the line and we've had one beer too many.


Enter the Germans, who have combined these two pleasures into Helium Beer! 

Oh, the sheer JOY! 


Ok. I will stop now and let the gentlemen in this video do the talking..




german make the best beer. Even beer infused with helium. This is sooo funny!!

Posted by Anke Tabea Martens on Tuesday, June 9, 2015


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