Thank you Eishkom

Thank you Eishkom

Baby names are currently following a very interesting trend. A large number of babies are being named after series characters and current events. These are some of the names we could see in the future.


South African names always have a story behind them so why shouldn't a few names reflect current situations.

Thanks to Eishkom we could be seeing a few very interesting ones!







These are some of the names that are trending on Facebook at the moment:
Darkness Mapogo
Vroegslaap Jordaan
Blackout Dube
Generator van Zyl
Parafienlamp van Rensburg
Pompie Primus
Flits Botha
Lampie Lampreghts
Kilowatt Koster
Kerswas van As
Donker Jonker
Gaslamp Aukamp
Vuurhoutjie van Vuuren 
Nagskof van Niekerk!


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