Martin and Tumi: Images of Protearif Primary show storm's destruction

Martin and Tumi: Images of Protearif Primary show storm's destruction

Heavy rain, golf ball-sized hailstones, and strong winds wreaked havoc across large parts of the province recently. Buildings were destroyed and Protearif Primary School was massively affected by the storm.

image destruction protearif primary school 2

A massive storm swept through certain parts of Gauteng recently, causing enormous devastation to everything in its path. 

Schools such as Protearif Primary felt the wrath of the storm, and the below images speak volumes. 

The children who attend the school have since been moved and there has been a desperate plea for help to restore the school to its former glory. 

Martin and Tumi, along with Dianne Broodryk and the Good Morning Angels team, broadcast live from the school, urging our loyal listeners to dig deep and help towards rebuilding the school.

It was an emotional morning for many, but the hearts of the Jacaranda FM listeners warmed us all. 

Many incredible donations came through for the school and we were overwhelmed with the amount of generous pledges. 

Receptionist, Nicky van Wyk recalled the moment the storm hit the school with us. 

Even Breakfast Show host, Tumi Morake donated R5,000 towards the school.

We can happily say that Protearif Primary School is now in safe hands and will be rebuilt to its former glory. The school's headmaster was filled with emotion as he thanked all the listeners of Jacaranda FM.

If you would like to help the school, you can pledge by SMSing 'GMA', your name, and your pledge to 37942. 

Protearif Primary School has set up a special storm relief account. All proceeds will go towards replacing, fixing, and rebuilding what was lost and damaged. The fund will be administered by the chairperson of the school, governing body, and the principal, and audited by Furter en Carstens Ouditeurs.


Laerskool Protearif

ABSA Savings Account

ACC: 928 439 2240

REFERENCE: Name and 'Noodfonds'

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