‘Decorative’ Adidas X Gucci umbrella selling for R20,000!

‘Decorative’ Adidas X Gucci umbrella selling for R20,000!

Uhm, R20,000 for an umbrella that isn't waterproof?

‘Decorative’ Adidas X Gucci umbrella selling for R20,000!
Gucci Official Website Screenshot

In their latest collaboration, renowned fashion brands Adidas and Gucci launched a $1,290 (approximately R20,000) umbrella that is not waterproof.

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According to the product detail, “this item is not waterproof and is meant for sun protection or decorative use."

Gucci and Adidas have allegedly received backlash over the “ridiculously priced” umbrella, especially in China where the umbrella is being sold for 11,000 Yuan (just above R26,000).

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The luxury item is said to have “good collector’s value and is intended to be used as an accessory."

The Adidas x Gucci collection is expected to be released on June 7.


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Image Credit: Gucci Official Website Screenshot 

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