Martin Bester’s R100 000,00 Secret Sound: List of incorrect guesses
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Have you entered Martin Bester’s R100k secret sound

What would you do with R100,000?
READ ALSO: Ts & Cs: Everything you need to know about Martin's R100 000 secret sound
Well, Breakfast with Martin Bester is giving you the opportunity to pocket the cash in the 'Secret Sound'.
With so many guesses already sent in through SMS on 37942, none of them have been the correct answer... yet.
Do you think you know what the Secret Sound below is?
Before entering Martin's R100 000 secret sound competition, make sure you read the Ts & Cs.
To make
it a little easier for you, we thought we would list some of the incorrect
guesses. Here are the latest incorrect guesses:
Toilet seat tapping against the bowl when you lift it up
Coin spinning on a counter
Dragging a spade ( shovel ) on cement or tar surface
A toaster
The sound i believe is the sound of a trelli-door closing
a Weed-eater
Toilet seat tapping against the bowl when you lift it up.
Closing a deodorant spray can
A ceremonial mallet/gavel hitting against a sound block/lectern/desk used by a judge/auctioneer
When the you release the ball in the lane towards the pins when you play temping bowling
The sound is when you hit on a closed steel drum with a hammer
Lighting a match
A judge banging the Gavel while in court
Martin passing a rugby ball and someone catching it
Basketball bouncing on a wooden floor
Table Tennis racket hitting ball
Base drum hit with foot pedal
Taiko drum from rugby world cup in Japan in 2019
Wanneer jy liniaal op tafel vasdruk met een hand en met ander hand
eenkant optel en los dat hy teen tafel slaan
guinnes book of world records Vernon Kruger in a barrel, (thunder in backround)
Sound was made by Ellie Goulding in November 2018 she was enterviewed on AMP Radio with Booker
Alanis Morrisette ironic by Riana Nel in
Jacaranda foyer
It is the lady in the flash harry advert
whitney houston
bloukaas en Janie Bay, Sterre brand
The Cranberries - Zombie
Shankaree Govender
secret sound is Demi Lee Moore when she visited the studio and sang Eet, slaap
Herhaal. The sound comes from the word Herhaal
Sam smith how do you sleep
beginning of song, Dianna Ross.. I'm coming out
Corlea Botha wat sing Breek my hart, wat jy hoor is die eerste keer wat sy se hart
Elma smit wat lag
Christia visser se liedjie die deur
Firework - Katy perry chorus
van Coke en Spoegwolf se Dagdrome in Suburbia toe Francois Spoegwolf voorgestel
het toe hy se here we go Spoegwolf
The secret sound is the circuit breaker when it is overload it switch off the power. Or the plugs
Look what you made me do
Weighs yourself on scale
Y2 1000 stainless steel knife touching and sticking to the magnetic
knife holder/bord that's making that sound.
Thursday, 10 October
Spoon on simbaal of drum set
Dit is as jy by die gym jou jou persoonlike ietems in jou locker plaas dan maak die slot die klik geluid as jy dit toemaak
Staple gun pull up the leaver and staple something and release
Martin se kitaar boks se knip wat die geluid maak
Opening or closing a plastic latch on a plastic case
The sound of the microwave door closing when you want to heat a quick meal from Woolworths
The sound when you snap off Dental floss
It sounds like when you cut hard vegetables (pumkin or carrots) on a cutting board
When you tap the braaitongs on the side of the weber braai and the tongs vibrate to make that sound
Pulling the trigger of a gas lighter to start a wooden fire for a braai
The snap hook on a dog's lead
Clicking your finger knuckles
Weights falling in the gym
Hond halsband klip
It's a clipboard when you insert or remove paper and the clip slips out of your hand and closes
Martin grooming his beard with a scissors
When you are playing squash and serving or hitting the ball
Gas braai lighter
Dit is waneer die ignitor knop gedraai word om n gasbraai aan te steek
Putting a razor on a shelf after shaving
Release the slider of a stapler where you fill the stapler with staples
Dis die ringe in ñ ringlêer wat toegemaak word
Weightlifting - when the pin locks in on the cable and pulley mechanism system for arm and leg exercise machines.
Closing the lid of a floss container
'n Blikkie bier wat oopgemaak word
A beer being opened
Closing the lid of a floss container
Weightlifting - when the pin locks in on the cable and pulley mechanism system for arm and leg exercise machines
Dit is Martin en Liesl wat die Seniotita dans,. Liesl maak die geluidjie toe Martin haar draai en so agtertoe laat sak
Katy Perry song never really over
Karlien van Jaaraveld wat lag met Martin se onderhoud met haar van die 13 Oktober
Karen Zoid before u play her the secret sound
Michael Jackson's signature voice sound in one of his songs.
Liesel saying 'whaaaat' when she hears something unbelievable
Elma giggling
Previous Secret Sound winner crying
Changing the pickup selector switch on an Electric guitar
Putting on a light switch
Closing the steel spring clip on a microphone case
Wednesday, 9 October
The sound of a guitar storage case closing
Die staal gewig bal met n staal handvatsel bydi gym as dit op die rak terug neergesit word na jy oefening daarmee gedoen wrd ..die geluid is as dit teuggesit wrd op die staander
Closing the plastic latch on a pelican case
Tuesday, 8 October
It sounds like when you hit a drum with drum sticks
Elektriese kitaar snaar wat breek
It's a clip board
Monday, 7 October
Unplugging guitar from amplifier
Standby switch on amplifier
Opening latches on instrument case
Friday, 4 October
When the top hi-hat and bottom hat cymbals of the drum set clamp together it makes that sound.
On the sides of a snare drum you get a mechanism called a drum strainer. When you activate the strainer the sound is made
Closing guitar case latch
Thursday, 3 October
Hitting a cross-stick on the edge of a snow drum
Opening the latch of a snare drum case
Closing the studio door
Wednesday, 25 September
When you switch off the toggle panel switch on a guitar amp box it makes that sound
When Martin Bester clicks his belt buckle together
A snare drum being hit
Wednesday, 18 September
Flicking the switch of a guitar amplifier
Tuesday, 17 September
The sound that 2 drumsticks make when hitting each other
The sound is when you plug your electric guitar in before playing it
Monday, 16 September
Switching on his guitar amplifier
The sound is a shampoo cap opening
It’s turning the knob on a 2 plate gas stove when turned you hear that sound
Friday, 13 September
A mason jar with trigger lid that makes that sound when you lock it
‘n Akte tas as jy die kode in drik en dit skiet oop dan maak dit die geluid
Dit is die klank van die wasmasjien se knip van die deur
Thursday, 12 September
Blikki opmaak met di trekdeksel top
Liniaal wat op tafel geklap word
Opening a beer
Tuesday, 10 September
Spoon on sambal of drum set
Stainless steel knife touching and sticking to the magnetic knife holder/board that's making that sound.
Dit is as jy by die gym jou jou persoonlike ietems in jou locker plaas dan maak die slot die klik geluid as jy dit toemaak.
Monday, 9 September
Bicycle Adjustable Kickstand
When you open a briefcase
Spinning class at gym, clipping your cycling shoes (cleats) in the pedal of the cycle. Clipping it in make that sound
Friday, 6 September
Staple gun pull up the leaver and staple something and release
Martin se kitaar boks se knip wat die geluid maak
Staple gun pull up the leaver and staple something and release
Thursday, 5 September
The circuit breaker when it is overload it switch off the power or the plugs
Microwave Door Closing Or Opening
Opening or closing a plastic latch on a plastic case
Tuesday, 3 September
Hitting a golf ball with a golf club on the driving range
Spoon hitting against a tin
Gasstoof se aansteker
Monday, 2 September
The sound of the microwave door closing when you want to heat a quick meal from Woolworths
When you snap off Dental floss
It sounds like when you cut hard vegetables (pumpkin or carrots) on a cutting board
Friday, 30 August
Tap the braaitongs on the side of the weber braai and the tongs vibrate to make that sound
Closing the gym locker
A Rod Or Cain Hitting A Table
Thursday, 29 August
Pulling the trigger of a gas lighter to start a wooden fire for a braai
The snap hook on a dog's lead
Clicking your finger knuckles
Tuesday, 27 August
Burner braaier
It's a clipboard when you insert or remove paper and the clip slips out of your hand and closes
Martin grooming his beard with a scissors
Monday, 26 August
Dog leash
When you are playing squash and serving or hitting the ball
Weights falling in the gym
Friday, 23 August
Bubblegum bubble before it bursts
Seatbelt buckle being put in
A diving board by a pool - just before you dive
Thursday, 22 August
The lid of a metal container being opened with a spring that when you let it go it shoots back in place
Microwave door that closes
Putting staples into a stapler and closing it.
Tuesday, 20 August
It's the sound of these new school cases made of plastic after you close it.
Bic pen when you press the button on the side
The secret sound is when you unlock the security gate
Monday, 19 August
Playing Squash when you hit the squash ball against the wall
Chopping Knife
Toaster popping out toasted bread
Thursday, 15 August
A beer being opened
Closing the lid of a floss container
Weightlifting - when the pin locks in on the cable and pulley mechanism system for arm and leg exercise machines
Wednesday, 14 August
Opening a bottle of wine or champainge
Dropping a shaving blade into the basin
Opening a shampoo bottle
Tuesday, 13 August
3-panel Portable gas heater with a regulator. 9kg gas bottle
Hitting a golf ball with the driver
It's pressing the knob on a gas stove to ignite the burner
Monday, 5 August
Sound of ceramic balls inside wash ball when shaking it in your hand
Joy buzzer practical joke device
Soap dispenser of automatic washig machine
Friday, 2 August
Washing machine ball
Pouring salt into a funnel in the dishwasher
Spin mob to wash floors
Thursday, 1 August
Scotch-bright sponge (Green) dragged over a steel pot/pan
Switching on a dishwasher
Wednesday, 31 July
Baby wipes pulled from a plastic container
Handheld vacuum cleaner
Spinning mop bucket
Tuesday, 30 July
When water drains out of a drain after pulling the plug out
Automatic insect control system
Pulling tooth floss out from container
Thursday, 25 July
Container with bolts and nuts
Plastic bottle with bolts and nuts
Moisture Absorber Dehumidifier
Monday, 22 July
Battery operated salt grinder. When you push the button on the top for it to grind the salt
toothpicks in a plastic container being moved around
Tic Tac's been shaking
Tuesday, 16 July
Walking over gravel
Coins being shaken inside a 'piggybank'
Shaking a half empty half full box of matches
Friday, 12 July
Throwing cappuccino /coffee stirrer sticks into a glass jar
The sound is coming from container and toothpicks
Ball container with Lego blocks
Thursday, 11 July
When Elton John opens up a bottle of capsules and throwing it onto a glass table
Holding Canderal Sweetener in your hand and then dropping it
Paper clips container
Wednesday, 10 July
An almost full green bottle of tick tacs being poured into a small ceramic bowl
Plastic serial bowl being used when Reese’s puffs is hitting the bottom of the bowl
Peanuts in a can being shaken
Tuesday, 9 July
Coffee beans that you throw in the coffee machine if you refill it
BB gun bullets being thrown into a plastic bowl
Monday, 8 July
Toothpicks in a container being turned upside down
Dropping keys in a bowl
Plastic bottle with chewing
gum in it
Friday, 5 July
When you open a tic tac bottle, tipping take one out causes the sound
Martin spilling his bottle of vitamins onto a glass table top
Bowling Machine
Thursday, 4 July
A wrist watch, it's the mechanism of the clock running when shaken,
while on arm the rotor spins around in case, winds gears running, the rotor
that swing with 2 ratchets, to wind main spring, click wise motions
The releasing of gas just before lighting the stove plate for cooking
Wednesday, 3 July
Vertical blinds pulled open
Wooden Sliding door opening at medium distance. Top rail perspective
Giving your dog/cat food pellets
Tuesday, 2 July
A blender at the end of its cycle blending a milkshake/smoothie
Throwing Aromat on popcorn
Ready-made whipped cream being squirted out of its canister
Monday, 1 July
Notification of your phone
Lighting and smoking a pipe. If the pipe is not broken in or the tobacco is to moist it makes the gurgling/crackling sound
The first bit of sand that hits the glass on the opposite side of an hour glass once it is turned over. The more sand that goes thru, the quieter it becomes
Friday, 28 June
Bubblegum balls rolling down dispenser
Stun gun
Throwing tablets out of a bottle onto little tray to count
Thursday, 27 June
When taking off jewelry and throwing it in a glass bowl
Marbles in a trick-stick
Cake decoration balls in a tin
Wednesday, 26 June
Tennis Ball and valcro toy
Bingo or lotto balls
Hard steel balls dropped into aluminium bucket
Monday, 24 June
Clean something from the floor with a manual cordless carpet sweeper.
A walkman tape recorder
Pouring Swarovski crystals flatback rhinestones in a cup.
Thursday, 20 June
Dragging a paper page to you over another paper page with your fingers
Dropping needle pins out of container
It is dominos falling over
Wednesday, 19 June
It is a scuba diver mouth piece when diver breathes air out you hear the bubbles which is then the sound
Gsxl shredder that make the secret sound when you shred n piece of paper
An empty cream canister makes used for whipped cream makes when it is almost empty
Tuesday, 18 June
Put Star Dust Popping Candy into your mouth and pops when moist
Precession music instrument
When you scratch the burnt part of your toast
Friday, 14 June
a snackwitch maker with bread inside
a packet of cup a soup, containing vegetables, noodles and croutons 'dry'
before adding water into a mug
Antique camera that uses a bulb as a flash
Thursday, 13 June
Sharpening a knife
Bristles of a broom makes when sweeping
Electric pepper grinder
Wednesday, 12 June
Smoke Making Machine
Slurping on ice coffee
Water being poured over ice
Tuesday, 11 June
Pouring Astro's into your popcorn
Someone drawing on or inhaling a vape
The sound that a coffee machine makes then it is finished
Monday, 10 June
An electric beard shaver trimmer when on it rotates that’s what makes that sound
Coins being thrown in a car's ash tray
I think the secret sound is when you throw popcorn pips into a popcorn machine before you switch it on to pop
Friday, 7 June
A baby toy that has a button on top that you push then the balls inside starts to turn
When you pull the cord on a Verimark Twister Dicer
It is a slush puppy poured into a paper cup
Thursday, 6 June
Old landline telephone that's being spun while dialling a number
Fidget spinner
Microphone is on and it rubs against something before you speak or before you turn it off
Wednesday, 5 June
Jewellery bangles clicking
Secret sound is a dog’s soft plastic toy with treats inside
Candy covered chocolate being poured into a plastic container
Tuesday, 4 June
Rocks thrown into a container
Venetian blind
When you unlock a security gate trelly door and slide it open
Monday, 3 June
Necklace falling into a wooden bucket
Dog’s raw hide ball type chew-able toy with treats inside
Packaging material
Thursday, 30 May
Vacuum cleaner
Coffee being blended
That small lotto toy that works with batterie
Wednesday, 29 May
The sound is made when you turn a kaleidoscope to view the different patterns inside
Resetting the pins on a pin-art desk toy
Fishing reel
Tuesday, 28 May
Making French toast. Dipping bread in egg mix and onto hot frying pan to cook for breakfast
Sound the nespresso machine makes when you are making coffee and the
machine runs out of water and you open the capsule release
Monday, 27 May
The sound is a wooden hand drill with the handle that you spin with your hand
Switching on a grinder
Pulling the shower tap leaver to open the water in the shower
Friday, 24 May
Machine counting the money at the bank
Electric 'machine' sharpening pencils
Opening and closing of a gas bottle
Thursday, 23 May
Pouring cereal in a bowl
Pot with warm oil and testing the heat of it to put first potato in
Winding up toy car then letting go
Tuesday, 21 May
Pressure cooker
Putting meat in a pan with a bit of oil
Genesis Hand Held Steam Iron container running on empty
Monday, 20 May
Throwing Canderel tablets into a Canderel dispenser.
Peppercorns moving inside a pepper mill.
Wednesday, 15 May
Pharmacist counting your medical pills in his counter plate he throws the pills in a plastic bottle
Vape device. When you click the vape device button to activate the coil
Plastic bottle that has Tic Tac peppermints in
Monday, 13 May
Pouring raw macaroni into a plastic bowl.
Pouring my little Checkers mini Lego building blocks on to a table.
Empty a coffee sachet into a cup.
Friday, 10 May
Fill a pepper mill with peppercorns.
Cheerio's Cereal when you dropping it out the box.
Thursday, 9 May
Sound is striking a match on a matchbox.
Sucking through a straw in a paper cup with ice in.
The sound coffee maker makes.
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