Many people desire a six pack but there is a new procedure to help you to get the perfect summer body.

New plastic surgery technique turns belly fat into abs

Many people desire a six pack, but the hard work required often puts them off. However, a new procedure has arrived to help you get the perfect summer body - without the hours in the gym!

New plastic surgery technique makes belly fat look like abs

Researchers at the University of Miami have invented a brand new plastic surgery technique called 'abdominal etching'.

For many people, fat around the midsection area is a problem and it is hard to shed. However, the brand new plastic surgery technique promises to turn your belly fat into a six-pack. 

Surgeons have now made it possible to reshape belly fat for a better-looking midsection. 

They use liposuction with abdominal etching to achieve a consistent and high-definition six-pack for men and women. 

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According to the university, you will have to keep up a healthy lifestyle if you want to maintain your new sculptured abs.

Would you follow such a procedure for a more muscular physique?

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