Security guard run-over in Stellenbosch by motorist

Security guard run-over in Stellenbosch by motorist

A video went viral on Monday evening after a security guard was run-over at Die Boord Center next to the R44 in Stellenbosch. 

South African motorist run-down car guard in parking lot
Twitter / Screenshot

When a motorist couldn't navigate a one-way system, he took his road rage out on a security guard.

In the video, we see the offending vehicle pulling into a parking space. When the driver was ready to leave, he wanted to go out the same way he came in – despite yellow arrows telling him this won’t be possible.

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The security guard attempted to help the driver with a very simple instruction. However, the driver decided to plough over the  security gaurd instead, speeding away from the scene of his hit-and-run.


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