SPAR donates R30 000,00 to Wollies Animal Shelter

SPAR donates R30 000,00 to Wollies Animal Shelter

As the country prepares for three weeks of lockdown to save human lives, SPAR steps in to help the animals.


There are animals in need that will be left destitute and hungry if the shelters where they are cared for do not receive some assistance. One of the special places is Wollies Animal Shelter. Wollies has been a haven for abandoned and unwanted dogs and cats for the past seven years. 

Wollies’ biggest wish is to find loving homes for the animals, through adoption. 

SPAR opened their hearts and donated R30 000,00 to the cause! Martin Bester spoke to Piet van Vuuren on Breakfast with Martin Bester this morning!

READ: Good Morning Angels: Helping our furry friends in need

Listen to the full Good Morning Angels moment below:

You can donate:  Direct deposit or debit order (Donors will receive an 18A Tax Certificate)

Account: Wollies Animal Project NPO

Bank: FNB (Kolonnade)

Account number: 620 696 74 292

Reference: “Donate"

Other needs:

* Food for puppies, mature dogs, kittens and cats

* Basic medication and medical supplies like deworming- and tick @ flea tablets

* Volunteers - at the shelter and with skills like social media, website and admin 


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