WATCH: Attempted hijacking at Pretoria East estate

WATCH: Attempted hijacking at Pretoria East estate

Residents have been urged to stay vigilant when stopping at estate gates.

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A terrifying incident, believed to be an attempted hijacking, was caught on camera outside the Savannah Country Estate security gate in the east of Pretoria.

The footage has been widely circulated on social media, prompting many motorists to stay vigilant at estate gates.

The incident, recorded on February 2, shows two vehicles – a bakkie pulling a trailer and a black Range Rover Defender – waiting to enter the estate.

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Suddenly, a third vehicle, a white VW Polo sedan, pulls up next to them. Two armed men wearing balaclavas emerge from the Polo, attempting to engage with the driver of the Range Rover.

Sensing that something is off, the Range Rover driver reacts swiftly, tailgating the bakkie to enter the estate and escape the assailants.

After the failed hijacking, the armed suspects retreat to their vehicle, reverse and drive off.

Watch here:

According to Pretoria Rekord, a security company that responded to the incident confirmed that an investigation is underway. The company also noted that an internal probe is being conducted to determine how the CCTV footage was leaked.

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Pretoria Rekord contacted the police for comment on the matter, but no response was received by the time of publication. 

However, authorities have reiterated essential safety tips to help motorists mitigate the risk of hijackings and hostage situations.

Know what to expect as a victim:

People who are taken hostage or hijacked tend to experience feelings of anxiety, shock, disbelief, and confusion. This first reaction usually leads to resistance or retaliation, which could have fatal consequences. 

Prepare to be alone and isolated from your family, friends, or loved ones, and to lose track of time and place.

Know what to expect from the perpetrators:

  • They could be tense, anxious, and nervous.

  • They could display a tendency to overreact.


  • Do everything the perpetrators tell you to do. 

  • Try at all times to maintain your pride, dignity, and self-respect. 

  • Keep your brain active by playing mental games, daydreaming, and reading whatever you are offered. 

  • Eat the food provided by your captor(s) to maintain your physical strength. 

  • Try to maintain a sense of humour, but do not ridicule the aggressors. 

  • Try to remain oriented regarding your movements, directions, time, and place. 

  • Try to maintain a routine and remain fit if circumstances permit. 

  • Allow yourself to be led by your captor. 

  • Try to remain cool and calm. 

  • Fall flat and remain on the ground during a rescue attempt.


  • Do not at any time become panic-stricken or hysterical. 

  • Offer any form of resistance. 

  • Become abusive and aggressive or lose your temper. 

  • Threaten or provoke the captor(s). 

  • Try to be a hero. 

  • Engage in an argument with the captor(s). 

  • Engage in any whispered conversations with the perpetrators. 

  • Use foreign concepts or language, as this could arouse the captor's suspicions. 

  • Make any demands. 

  • Be sympathetic towards your captor's cause. 

  • Try to escape, as this could place you at risk.

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Image: Facebook/ Screenshot


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