Martin Bester applauds woman who comforted baby after fatal car crash

Martin Bester applauds woman who comforts baby after fatal car crash

News headlines will often leave you with a feeling of despair and hopelessness.

Namibie Breakfats
SA Long-distance Truckers/Video

However, this story will immediately restore your faith in humanity.

A taxi passenger, Tulonga Neputa, has been praised for rushing to the aid of a baby, the lone survivor of a fatal car crash in Namibia on Thursday. Two cars collided. All the occupants of the vehicles died - except for the baby.

Martin Bester called her someone who can only be described as a hero.

“When we were approaching the accident, I saw the baby lying on the ground. The car was partially on the road and I just saw smoke coming from the car. The baby was crying.  When I saw the baby crying, I didn’t think twice. It’s just the motherly instinct that kicked in.”


When Martin Bester asked her what went through her head, Tulonga's thoughts were:  “Let me get the baby, let me get the baby, let me get the baby. The boy survived the accident, only breaking his arm and he will be discharged from hospital today.”

Tulonga is hoping to see him today.

SA Long-distance Truckers have praised Neputa, labelling her a hero.

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Facebook user, Charmaine Rabie, commented: "Wow. As tragic as this is, this is what humanity is all about. I pray that that this child will grow up to know just how special he is. That despite all odds, God protected him and has a purpose for his existence."

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