Children's maths problem is leaving people outraged

Children's maths problem is leaving people outraged

Can you figure out the answer to this seemingly "easy" conundrum?

Children’s maths question asking the closest time to midnight has people baffled

Whether you are still in school or not, we've got an interesting little maths problem we would like you to solve.

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Every now and again the internet collectively loses its mind as users are split into teams because of something that has been posted and that has gone viral.

Are you team black and blue dress or white and gold?

Are you team more wheels than doors in the world or more doors than wheels?

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Now the latest internet craze that has bamboozled and divided the masses is a simple maths problem.

Although as it turns out, it's not as easy as it seems:

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While you may be looking at this and already have an answer in your head.

Seems simple enough right? Wrong!

As it turns out not everyone agrees on what the correct answer is and it's created a clear divide amongst internet users. And some people have not held back when expressing their anger about this dilemma.

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One of the main arguments is that it has to be A because of how time moves on:

While others are saying that clearly doesn't matter because it's just about the smallest number difference which means the answer is D:

Some people are just here to cause chaos:

While maths might not always be considered thee most entertaining and riveting school subject, there's no doubt that it does make for great internet entertainment!

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