Customers find insult on receipt added by waitress

Customers find insult on receipt added by waitress

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all...

Customers find insult on receipt added by waitress

Everyone on this planet has different preferences, likes, and dislikes.

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When we loudly judge someone for how they eat their pizza, how they decorate their home or how they enjoy their wine, that says more about us than it does of them.

What if we just let people enjoy things?

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One waitress was caught red-handed when she tried to silently judge a customer, only to have her judgemental opinion be shared with not only the customer in question, but also the entire internet.

And it has divided opinion.

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A Reddit user posted a picture on the site of a restaurant receipt which showed that the waitress had added a comment to one of the orders.

One of the customers had ordered some wine and the comment left by the server said:

Lovely note that a restaurant left on my friend's dinner receipt
by u/PlanetaryEulogy in australia

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Now for most South Africans, we are not familiar with the term 'bogan', but it is used to describe someone who is a hillbilly type and is seen as an insult in Australia.

Needless to say, the customers were not impressed and posted this picture on Reddit. Since then, the comments have been on fire.

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Quite a few people have chosen to defend the waitress, saying it might have been a little joke as it is widely known how wine should be consumed.

Others think that the waitress should have kept the opinion to herself:

by u/brenthonydantano from discussion Lovely note that a restaurant left on my friend's dinner receipt
in australia

The restaurant in question, The Cornish Arms, has also responded to the post by talking to a local news outlet, saying:

In the end, all's well that ends well.

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Main image courtesy of r/Australia/Reddit

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