DJ has price-list for partygoers who want to request songs

DJ has price-list for partygoers who want to request songs

Partygoers might hate it, but DJ's might love this idea.

DJ has price-list for partygoers who want to request songs
DJ PressPlay/Facebook

A DJ can make or break an event or a good night out.

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Music can set the mood, and for a DJ, knowing your crowd and understanding what they want to hear is important.

Just like bands they can quickly lose a crowd by playing the wrong thing.

For a concert, bands or musicians prepare a setlist that features all the songs they will be playing during their set.

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It might not seem like it, but DJs also prepare for their sets, and it's common knowledge that they do not enjoy it when random people tell them what to play next.

Just like you can't request your favourite songs from bands and musicians, DJs don't want you requesting your own songs and interrupting their sets.

One DJ has found a way to minimise unnecessary requests.

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The British DJ, Colin-Gingell Good, 51, goes by the stage name DJ PressPlay and has created a price list for requests.

He told BBC that some people just don't take no for an answer and that Mr Brightside, the most expensive song, has not been requested since he started putting up the lists.

Here is the full list:

DJ has price-list for partygoers who want to request songs
BBC News

The point of the list is more tongue-in-cheek and to make a point:

If you can't join them, you can try to beat them.

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Main image courtesy of DJ PressPlay/Facebook

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