LISTEN: Here are some things every adult should know

LISTEN: Here are some things every adult should know

Here are four things every adult should know...

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Have you ever found yourself in the following situation where a child has asked you a seemingly innocent question that you do not know the answer to?

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You could Google the answer, but we all know how children are. They expect you, as an adult, to know the answers to almost everything.

How big were dinosaurs? How does a toaster work? Where do babies come from?

You might have the answers to some of these questions, but not all of them.

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This week, Rob Forbes and Rozanne McKenzie were asked some tough questions by an adorable little girl, and they found themselves scrambling for the correct answers.

Always happy to help, here are a few of the things we've figured every adult should know:

Tune in to 'The Drive with Rob & Roz', on weekdays from 16:00 - 19:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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