LISTEN: Krugersdorp woman asks husband for one small favour

LISTEN: Krugersdorp woman asks husband for one small favour

Is this request too much to ask?

LISTEN: Krugersdorp woman asks husband for one small favour
iStock/Valerii Apetroaiei

When you're in a relationship with someone you truly love, you will do almost anything for them.

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But couples don't have to go to the ends of the Earth to make each other happy or show how much they care.

Often, it's the smaller things that might seem insignificant that mean more than the big, over-the-top declarations of love.

Surprising your partner with some flowers, cooking their favourite meal or giving them a hug when they least expect it, can feel like the most special act of love.

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While major surprises don't happen often, there are a few smaller things, like the examples above, that might be appreciated by partners if they happened a bit more frequently.

From back scratches to carrying groceries, small acts of kindness and care can make your partner feel loved, but they don't want to ask for it.

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Main image courtesy of iStock/Valerii Apetroaiei

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