LISTEN: Why doctors do not recommend showering with a loofah

LISTEN: Why doctors do not recommend showering with a loofah

What makes you feel super clean?

LISTEN: Why doctors do not recommend showering with a loofah

Everyone has their way of taking a shower or bath.

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No matter what your preferred cleaning method is, the result should remain the same.

However, like many topics, there has always been some debate about personal hygiene.

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Let's not even go into the lack of hand washing after going to the bathroom.

So what do the actual experts say?

There's no guidebook to showering or bathing but here are some recommendations:

  • If you have specific skin concerns, you should use a product that helps manage them. Otherwise, you really just need water and your favourite soap or body wash.

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You can skip using soap on areas that produce less oil such as your legs, arms, back, and chest.

  • There isn't a specific order in which you need to wash your body parts. Currently, there is little to no research that proves washing in a specific direction spreads bacteria, fungi or viruses. Spreading microorganisms around your body isn't harmful unless you have picked up a pathogen like ringworm.
  • Dr Greiling recommends washing certain parts first - underarms, chest, feet, and hands.

  • Which is cleaner, a bath or a shower? If your bathtub is dirty, the microbes could cause you to get sick. In a bath, you are washing yourself, but you are also sitting in the water filled with the many microorganisms that live on your skin. 

Ultimately, you just have to ensure you don't have any open cuts when taking a bath, and you'll be fine.

  • The long-standing debate: washcloth, loofah, or hands? This is really a personal preference. It is important to note that washcloths and loofahs can have problems.

This may sound unappealing, but the risk of contracting an infection is still quite low. Using your hands is the top recommendation and is the best option for people with sensitive skin.

Rob Forbes and Rozanne McKenzie were curious to find out what people prefer to use and which is the most popular, so they asked the Jacaranda FM listeners.

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