South African city has more Airbnbs than many other major cities

South African city has more Airbnbs than many other major cities

Airbnb has only been available in South Africa since 2015.

South African city has more Airbnbs than many other major cities
iStock/Robert Way

When it comes to finding affordable accommodation, Airbnb has cornered the market all around the world.

Especially when it comes to short-term rentals.

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Inside Airbnb is a collaborative project "that provides data and advocacy about Airbnb's impact on residential communities".

They have collected large amounts of data, and according to them, there is one South African city that has more Airbnbs than any other city in the world.

At the time of publishing, the City of Cape Town has more than 23,000 Airbnbs listed.

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There are currently more sites in Cape Town than in the whole of Amsterdam, San Francisco, and the city-state of Singapore combined.

Inside Airbnb provide a visual look at the data by mapping it out, which you can see below:

South African city has the most Airbnb's in the world!
Inside Airbnb

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According to their data, 81.8% of these properties are entire houses or apartments, for a total of 19,280.

Here is the total of Airbnbs in other major cities:

  • Singapore: 3,540
  • San Francisco: 7,888
  • Amsterdam: 9,310
  • Athens: 13,274
  • Barcelona: 18,925
  • Bangkok: 23,651
  • Rio de Janeiro: 34,664
  • New York City: 37,765
  • Los Angeles: 44,684
  • Paris: 95,885
  • London: 93,481

There has been much debate surrounding the effects Airbnb and similar operations have on the affordability of housing in these areas for local residents.

Recently, citizens of Barcelona even protested and showed their true feelings towards tourists by squirting them with water guns.

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Main image courtesy of iStock/Robert Way

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