WATCH: Video captures terrifying moment lighting hits active volcano

WATCH: Video captures terrifying moment lighting hits active volcano

You definitely do not see this every day!

Icelandic volcano
Icelandic volcano/ Twitter

Even if you have never been close to a volcano, we don't need to tell you about the dangers that lurk beneath the ground.

Volcanoes are classified in two ways, and this determines whether or not they might be a threat to those living within their reach.

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Volcanos can be either dormant or active, which means it "comes down to the frequency of their eruption. Those that erupt regularly are called active, while those that have erupted in historical times but are now quiet are called dormant (or inactive)."

Most active volcanoes do not pose much danger and are quite secluded.

Another dangerous natural phenomenon is lightning.

So what would happen if the two were combined?

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It might sound like a scene in an apocalyptic movie, but it won't lead to the end of the world.

Recently a video has gone viral that managed to capture the exact moment.

According to the person who posted the video on TikTok, this took place at the Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala, and it is a sight to behold!

The video shows the volcano starting to spurt out lava; as it continues erupting, a thunderstorm is happening around the top of the volcano.

A lightning strike flashes and seemingly hits the top of the volcanic cloud which looks like its been set on fire.

Watch the video here:

@brown_watermelon #lightning #lava #eruption #volcano #thunder #nature #power ♬ Thunder Sound - Tmsoft's White Noise Sleep Sounds

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This occurrence is actually not as uncommon as you might think.

Thunderstorms and lightning storms can often occur surrounding an erupting volcano and are known as volcanic lightning.

According to The Geography Teacher, "volcanic lightning occurs when the ash, gases, and ice particles within the volcanic plume collide and create an electrical charge that discharges as lightning, lighting up the sky during a volcanic eruption."

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Main image courtesy of @newxposterity/X

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