VIDEO: Timeline of what happens to body after quitting vaping

Updated | By The Drive with Rob and Roz

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If you are looking for a reason to kick the habit, this might be the motivation you need.

iStock/Igor Ilkov

You don't need us to tell you that smoking is bad.

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Unfortunately for vaping fans, governments across the world are clamping down on the use of vapes with the hope of limiting the health risks.

The United Kingdom has already announced that from 2025, disposable vapes will be banned in the country.

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Other countries, including SA, are also considering possible bans and laws to protect citizens' health.

In September 2024, the Health Department of South Africa presented another bill in Parliament to implement stricter laws for smokers and tobacco sellers.

Many smokers might believe that any damage they have done to their bodies through this unhealthy habit cannot be undone.

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While there is no way to reverse the effects fully smoking has had on a body, there will always be more benefits to non-smoking than smoking.

No matter how long you have been addicted, the minute you stop, you are already becoming healthier.

There have been many studies to show the negative effects of smoking, as well as research that has shown what happens when you quit.

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While vaping might seem like a better option than cigarettes, both are bad for your health and the positive health effects after you quit are the same.

Here is a video created by AsapScience that explains how your body changes:

According to sources such as Healthline and Quit HQ, this is how your body starts to heal after you take your last smokey breath:

20 minutes

  • Blood pressure and pulse will start to return to normal levels.
  • Fibers in the bronchial tubes will start to move again when they are not exposed to smoke.

Eight hours

  • Carbon monoxide levels return to more normal levels.
  • Oxygen levels will increase.

24 hours

  • After one day the nicotine level in blood drops to negligible amount.
  • Heart function increases as veins and arteries are less constricted, oxygen levels to the heart increase.
  • Chance of a heart attack decreases.

48 hours

  • Damaged nerve endings start to regrow.
  • Senses such as smelling or tasting that were previously dulled start to improve.

72 hours

  • Breathing easily.
  • Bronchial tubes in lungs relax and open more.
  • Lung capacity also increases.

Seven days

  • Carbon monoxide levels in blood drops to normal.

Two weeks

  • Breathing is easier as well as walking due to circulation and oxygenations.
  • Lung function increases by as much as 30%

One month

  • Sense of heightened energy.
  • Smoking-related symptoms decrease (sinus congestion and shortness of breath during exercise)
  • Fibers that keep the lungs healthy are growing back.
  • These fibers help reduce excess mucus buildup and protect against infections.

Three months

  • Women's fertility improves.
  • Reduces risk of premature birth.

Six months

  • Less coughing of mucus and phlegm.
  • Physical activity is much easier.
  • Handling stress better without needing to smoke.

One year

  • Lungs will experience dramatic health improvements with capacity and functioning.
  • Easier to breathing and less coughing.

Three years

  • Chance of heart disease drops by half.
  • Smoking damages the lining or arteries leading to higher heart disease risks, quitting promotes healthier heart.

Five years

  • Chances of a stroke decrease to that of nonsmoker.
  • Mouth, throat or voice box cancer risk drops by half.

10 years

  • Lung cancer risk drops by half.
  • Risk of smoking-related illnesses decreases.

15 years

  • Chances of a heart attack is equal to someone who has never smoked.

If you have made it a day, a year or 15 without picking up a cigarette or vape, then you should be proud of yourself.

Just think about how great you are going to feel.

Tune in to 'The Drive with Rob & Roz' on weekdays from 16:00 - 19:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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