Good Morning Angels (Hlanganani Centre)
Updated | By Bronwyn Hardick

Request from:
Bets La Cock
Request for:
Adriaan Makoena and the Hlanganani Nasareth Upliftment Centre
André Boje, CEO Wescoal Holdings Ltd
Wescoal will donated R 40 000,00 to the Hlanganani Nazareth Upliftment Centre to assist Adriaan and Sophie with the work they do among vulnerable children in their care.
Wescoal first had their first charity Golf Day in 2012. They contacted Good Morning Angels and sponsored two exceptional causes: Kabod House and Elkana Education Centre with the funds raised. They realized that Angel work was really rewarding and found more places in the Witbank/Middelburg area that needed their help. This year's Golf Day was held in March and it was an even bigger success. They managed to raise R40 000,00 each for Kabod House and Elkana Education Centre, as well as for Witbank Hospice, Middelburg Hospice, Pottebakkershuis and Hlanganani Nazareth Upliftment Centre: that's a total of R240 000,00! These Angels are not fly-by-nights and have committed to supporting the causes they've chosen whenever they can.
Hlanganani Nasareth Upliftment Centre:
The centre started very small in 2001, when Adriaan and his wife, Phinah took seven children into foster care. Within a year, they had 70 children in their school. They never knew that this would grow into a school for 182 children and after school care facility for 154 others. With help from donors like Wescoal, they've graduated from a little shack, to proper brick buildings. Adriaan lost his wife in 2012, but their daughter, Sophie has taken up the challenge with Adriaan to continue their work.
1. 2001 - Adriaan en sy vrou Phinah Mokoena begin ‘n klein skooltjie met 7 wees kindertjies wat hulle van die welsyn ingeneem het.
2. 2002 – Die skooltjie groei teen so ‘n vinnige pas dat hulle teen 2002 – 70 kinders gehad het wat hulle self versorg het.
3. Adriaan het ‘n klein gehuggie gebou waar hulle skool gegaan het (Shack)
4. Vandag onderrig hulle 182 kinders in die kleuterskool en gee hulle daagliks kos vir elke kind.
5. In die middae voed hulle 154 skoolkinders in die na-skool sentrum wat hulle bedryf
6. Die kinders is meestal weeskinders of het slegs een ouer of bly by hulle ouma’s / oupa’s
7. Adriaan se vrou Phinah is oorlede in 2012 – hy en sy dogter Sophy Makoena bestuur nou die skooltjie.
Wescoal het in 2013 vir Hlangani geborg met R50 000 om te help met die oprig van addisionele klaskamers en het ook R9800.00 geborg vir ‘n nuwe klankstelsel. Tydens die oorhandiging het Wescoal ook lekkergoed pakkies vir die kinders uitgedeel.
Einde 2013 het was Wescoal weer betrokke tydens die gradeplegtigheid van die Gr R’-klassie en elke kind in die skool ontvang ‘n klein geskenkie.
2014 ontvang Hlangani tesame met Kabod House, Elkana Education Centre, Pottebakkershuis, Witbank Hospice en Middelburg Hospice elk R40 000.00 wat ingesamel is tydens die “Wescoal Liefdadigheids Golfdag”
Wescoal bedank elke persoon wat deelgeneem het, wat ‘n gaatjie geborg het of ‘n skenking gemaak het. Sonder ondersteuning van ons mede broers en susters in die Mynbedryf sou dit nie moontlik wees nie.
Vriendelike groete,
Bets La Cock
Send your requests through to [email protected]
Watch this story on Sunday at 9:20 and 17:55 on "Vat my Hand" sponsored by Builders Warehouse on KykNet, DSTV Channel 144
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