GMA Extra: Little Alyssa is birthmark and cancer free
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
Alyssa was born with a small birthmark on the side of her face. This mark grew bigger, turned darker, and then hair started to grow out from it. Chantelle (Alyssa's mother) grew very concerned when Alyssa started to complain that the mark was hurting.

Little Alyssa can face the world: her growing facial birthmark has been removed and with that the pain and potential of cancer has gone.
BACKGROUND: Little Alyssa is her mom Chantelle’s youngest of four children. Alyssa is a beautiful, clever, and bubbly two and a half year old. She was born with a little birthmark on the side of her face. This mark grew bigger, turned darker and then hair started to grow out from it. Chantelle grew very concerned when Alyssa started to complain that the mark was hurting. She did not sleep on that side of her face, and when she did turn over during the night, she woke up crying. The mark was diagnosed as a Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. Only 1% of children are born with these, with 15% on the head or side of the face. The doctor advised Chantelle that this was not an ordinary mole and needed to consult a specialist. With no job, Chantelle and her partner’s salary did not allow for this expense. They also could not afford the cost of having the nevus removed. Our friends at Home Makers’ Expo donated R25,000 towards their cause and our friends at Operation Healing Hands found her a top skin cancer and plastic surgery specialist.
Alyssa has now had her operation and the stitches have been removed! The specialist is very happy that there is no trace left of the nevus, as well as no cancer! This morning, we caught up with Alyssa’s mom, Chantelle.
Die versoek van Rustenburg vandag.
Ek wil graag hoor of daar iemand is wat sal kan help met my kleindogter, Alyssa, vir operasie kostes aan haar gesiggie. Sy het 'n geboortevlekkie in haar gesig, op die wang regterkant, maar ook is daar soort van 'n moesie wat so 'n millimeter kleiner is in die geboortevlek, en daar groei swart hare uit die "moesie". Ook is daar 'n vorming van klein uitgroeisels (soos kleiner moesiese en vermeerder elke dag) binne-in die twee vlekkies. Die geboortemerk met die moesies word ook al hoe groter soos sy groei. Sy bly vat en vryf oor die ding in haar gesiggie, on weet nie of dit seer is of juk dit dalk. Sien op foto aangeheg, aan die regterkant van haar gesiggie.
Haar mamma wil dit graag laat verwyder, sy is bang dat dit dalk kwaadaardig kan wees of raak, en ook dat as sy begin skoolgaan die maatjies haar sal spot.
Haar mamma, Chantelle, het nie 'n medies nie, (en medies sal nie betaal nie), want hulle sal dit op die stadium sien as 'n kosmeties prosedure.
Hoop julle sal die aan iemand kan voorlê, wat kan help om die 2 jaar en 6maande oue poppie se probleempie te kan oplos.
Suzette Barrett
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