Good Morning Angels assists Vernon Koekemoer with R30,000
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Good Morning Angels assists internet sensation Vernon Koekemoer with R30,000 and doctor consultations after numerous unsuccessful hip operations.

BACKGROUND: Say the name, Cassie Booyse, and most people are unlikely to know who you are referring to. But, say "Vernon Koekemoer” and the reaction is quite the opposite.
In March 2008, 'Vernon Koekemoer' was born, when a woman took a photo of a 51-year-old man, standing on his own at a rave in Boksburg, looking a little out of place. She shared the photo with her friends via email. One of these friends took it further and named the man 'Vernon Koekemoer'. This was shared across social media, became a popular meme and within weeks, South Africans were wondering who the real 'Vernon Koekemoer' was. He was identified as Cassie Booyse from Benoni - who didn’t even know about his internet fame until local and even international media started calling. Cassie played along and ended up doing TV ads and appearances with Chuck Norris - he was even interviewed on Sky News.
Fast forward 14 years and Cassie is in the news again; this time, however, the once buff body-builder from Benoni, lies in pain, wasting away in a state hospital.
His devoted wife, Linda said it all started four years ago when a hip replacement operation went wrong. Cassie has had three hip replacements since and is again lying in hospital in pain, with an infected hip joint. He has been unable to walk and work for the past four years, as he’s in constant pain and in need of medical assistance. Linda’s cousin reached out to Good Morning Angels for assistance, as Cassie and Linda are not able to carry this burden alone anymore.
REQUEST FOR: Cassie Booyse and his wife, Linda Coetzee
REQUEST FROM: Walter Ungerer
ANGEL: Good Morning Angels and the Good Morning Angels Fund NPC
SPONSORING: Good Morning Angels is already in contact with a specialist in hip replacement surgery and complications, to make an appointment for him for a proper consultation. Good Morning Angels will carry the costs for the consultation and tests needed to make a proper diagnosis and to decide on an appropriate treatment plan. We cannot promise a miracle, but we can at least start the process to find a solution for Cassie’s hip problem and pain relief.
The Good Morning Angels Fund will also assist Linda and Cassie with R30 000 to help with living expenses.
Booyse's wife Linda also shared photos of what her husband looked like before and after the hip operations.

More of the Breakfast with Martin Bester listeners also came together to assist Booyse.
"Goeie middag.
"My naam is Walter Ungerer, ek stuur hierdie email vir my niggie se man Vernon Koekemoer (Cassie Booyse). Ek het al 'n paar keer op Jacaranda FM gehoor wat mense vra waar is Vernon Koekemoer? Hy is lewendig, maar baie selfbewus oor wat met sy heup gebeur het. Hy is 'n legend in my oë en 'n goeie vriend.
"Ons vra asb vir hulp vir Cassie Booyse (Vernon Koekemoer).
"Hy kan nie mediese fonds bekostig nie, so moes toe dus by 'n staatshospitaal ’n heupvervanging laat doen het. Sedert dit, kon hy nie weer werk of 'n inkomste verdien nie.
"Lees asb aangehegte dokument wat sy vrou, Linda Coetzee, vir ons gestuur het, waar sy verduidelik hoe, waar en wanneer alles gebeur het.
"Hy is en was nog steeds 'n hero vir baie mense.
"Ons het hom laas week Sondag gesien en hy was regtig in baie baie pyn, maar wil nie terug gaan staatshospitaal toe nie, want hulle doen niks daar vir hom nie.
"Ons vra graag vir hulp om te help met mediese onkostes sodat hy by 'n privaat dokter of privaat hospitaal kan uitkom om die regte hulp te kry.
"Baie dankie, Walter."
Tune in to the 'Breakfast with Martin Bester', weekdays from 06:00 - 09:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.
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