Good Morning Angels: The gift of sight for 7-year-old Kealano
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
Kealano is 7-years old and the center of his single mom, Anthea’s world. He is a beautiful, talented little boy, but he has had some difficulty at school lately. His mom and teachers have noticed that he is struggling to keep up with his school work and in class. The problem: Kealano’s eye sight is deteriorating rapidly.

REQUEST FORM: Adele van Graan
REQUEST FOR: 7-year old Kealano Ontong
ANGEL 1: Christo Bezuidenhout from the Round Table
SPONSORING: The Round Table has an annual fundraising concert to help assist people in need. They will donate the full R42 000,00 needed for Kealano’s eye operation and glasses.
BACKGROUND: Kealano is 7-years old and the center of his single mom, Anthea’s world. He is a beautiful, talented little boy, but he has had some difficulty at school lately. His mom and teachers have noticed that he is struggling to keep up with his school work and in class. The problem: Kealano’s eye sight is deteriorating rapidly. He has been diagnosed with Keratoconus, which has left him with only 10% eye sight. If untreated, he could effectively go blind. This can be prevented with an operation that repairs the tear between his eye ball an cornea and prescription glasses. This however, comes with a price tag of over R40 000,00. Anthea’s salary as a receptionist in Rustenburg does not leave her with much to spare after expenses every month - in fact, she cannot afford a medical aid.
Goeie môre almal,
Ek rig vandag hierdie aan almal met groot seer in my hart vir ‘n klein seuntjie genaamd Kealano.
Al weet ons almal dat dinge taai is in vandag se lewe, neem ek egter die risiko om te vra vir enige hulp moontlik. Kealano is gediagnoseer met Keratoconus, ‘n mediese toestand wat sy ogies beinvloed. Hy is 7 jaar oud en het egter net 10% visie. Die diagnose behels die kornea van sy ogies wat mettertyd wegtrek van die oogbal en kan met tyd veroorsaak dat hy nie meer sal kan sien nie. Sy moeder het geen medies nie en is ook ‘n enkel-ouer, wat dinge verskriklik moeilik maak. Die kostes vir die operasie sowel as die bril en narkose beloop R42,000.00. Indien enige iemand dit in hul hart kan vind om die seuntjie se lewe te verander en sy moeder by te staan sal dit opreg waardeer word. Ek heg ook ‘n mediese verslag aan as bewys van sy toestand
Groete en dank.
Adelé van Graan
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