Good Morning Angels: Helping 3-year-old Declan hear again
Updated | By Lee-Roy Wright
3-year-old Declan is in pre-school and a very happy little boy. His mom, Natalie, noticed that he developed some difficulty with his speech. She went to her doctor, who advised her to visit an ear-nose-throat specialist to make sure that this problem was not caused by something else - his hearing.

Helping a 3-year old boy hear again
REQUEST FROM: Natasha du Plessis
REQUEST FOR: 3-year old Declan Kunz
ANGEL: Christo Bezuidenhout from the Round Table
SPONSORING: The Round Table has an annual fundraising concert to help assist people in need. They will cover the medical costs quoted for Declan’s ear operation!
BACKGROUND: 3-year-old Declan is in pre-school and a very happy little boy. His mom, Natalie, noticed that he developed some difficulty with his speech.
She went to her doctor, who advised her to visit an ear-nose-throat specialist to make sure that this problem was not caused by something else - his hearing. The specialist found an enormous hole in Declan’s right ear drum. The effect of this is that he only has 20% hearing in that ear - which is affecting his ability to hear sounds and words properly. Natalie does not have a medical aid and the very urgent operation little Declan needs could cost as much as R40 000,00!
Goeie middag aan al die Angels,
My naam is Natasha en ek skryf vir julle names ’n mamma wat baie hulp nodig het.
Die mamma se naam is Natalie en ons werk al drie jaar saam. So twee weke terug het hulle agtergekom haar 3-jarige seuntjie, Declan het ’n spraakprobleem. Die spark-terapeut het vir haar gesê sy moet hom eers na ’n oor-neus-en-keel-spesialis vat, sodat hulle kan vasstel of sy gehoor reg is en of iets anders dalk sy spraak be-invloed.
Hulle het ‘n spesialis gaan sien by ’n hospitaal in Pretoria gaan sien. Hy het bevestig dat Declan ’n gat in sy oordrom het. Die gat is so groot dat Declan net 20% gehoor in sy regter oor het. Die Dokter sê gewoonlik word die tipe operasie eers gedoen op ouderdom 5- tot 9-jaar, maar in Declan se geval is dit noodsaaklik dat dit dadelik gedoen moet word.
Ons het kwotasies gekry en die operasie gaan tussen R30 000,00 en R42 000,00 kos. Natalie het nie ‘n mediese fonds nie en sy het beslis nie soveel geld nie. Sy is ‘n fantastiese mamma - en ek het self ’n 3-jarige seutnjie … dit breek my hart dat sy so sukkel om alles bymekaar te hou.
Asseblief Angels daar buite: enige hulp sal waardeer word. Net om die mediese kostes te dek, sodat die seuntjie weer kan hoor en praat. Hy is in die kleuterskool en moet elke klankie hoor sodat sy spraak reg kan ontwikkel anders gaan hy agter raak met sy uitspraak en verstaan.
Ek hoop om van julle te hoor.
Natasha du Plessis
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