Good Morning Angels: Helping widowed mom find her wings after husband’s murder
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Angels helps Heidi get back on her feet after heartache in April.

Heidi Els is a mom of three: 13-year old daughter Kaylie and two boys aged eight and seven.
Heidi’s husband, Francois went to a local take-away outlet on Sunday evening 29 April 2018 to pick up food. He was caught in a robbery and was shot and killed. Amid the shock and heartache, Heidi and her children are now left without their beloved husband and father but also without the main breadwinner for the household. Heidi is a teacher at a crèche in Pretoria but her income will fall far short in providing for her three children. Our Angels, Spar and Miss World 2014, Rolene Strauss came to Heidi’s aide in her hour of need.
REQUEST FROM: Ilze Geertsema Prinsies en Prinsessies Kleuterskool and Miss World 2014, Rolene Strauss
REQUEST FOR: Heidi Els and her three children
ANGEL 1: Retha Ingenbleek, Spar Ladies Race Pretoria
SPONSORING: Spar will help Heidi and her children with groceries for the rest of the year, valued at a total of R40 000.
ANGEL 2: Ronele Strauss, Miss World 2014
SPONSORING: The Strauss Foundation will donate R10 000 to aid with the school fees of Heidi’s 3 children.
King Price Insurance's Wynand van Vuuren listened to the show and will be donating R40 000.
Dear Dianne, Martin and the Good Morning Angels Team
I trust that you are well.
Once again congratulations on the wonderful and life changing work you are doing as a team.
My cousin told me about Heidi Els. Heidi is my god daughter’s beloved kindergarten teacher.
Heidi’s husband was shot at a take away outlet on Saturday evening. Together they struggled paying the school fees of their three primary school children and as a now single parent, Heidi will definitely face difficulty when it comes to providing for her family.
I am sending this mail as I believe that Heidi is a possible candidate who would greatly benefit from the good work of Good Morning Angels.
The Strauss Foundation (a non profit organisation I started with my husband and our families) pledges R 10 000 to help Heidi provide for her family through this difficult time.
I look forward to your feedback.
Kind Regards,
Rolene Strauss
Goeie môre
Ek skryf met 'n seer hart hierdie briefie.
Sondagaand is ‘n man, Francois Els in 'n gewanpende rooftog in PTA doodgeskiet. Hy los agter sy vrou en drie kinders. Dogter van 13 en 2 seuntjies, 7 en 8. Hierdie mamma is regtig in finansiële nood. Haar dogter moet volgende jaar hoërskool toe, sy moet depostio daarvoor betaal, nuwe skoolklere koop en het net so baie uitgawes en is nou 'n enkel mamma met 3 kinders in die laeskool. Hulle motor word deur die polisie gehou omdat dit deel is van die moordsaak.
Hierdie mamma, Heidi is 'n juffrou by my kinders se skool, Prinsies en Prinsessies, Erasmuskloof. Sy het 'n hart van goud. Sy is altyd bereid om daardie bietjie ekstra te doen vir elke liewe kind in die skool, het hulle lief soos haar eie en niks is ooit te veel moeite vir haar nie.
Hierdie mamma het 'n rowwe tyd wat vir haar voorlê. Om ewe-skielik alleen 3 kinders te moet grootmaak op 'n onderwyssalaris is tough.
Enige, enige bydrae vir hierdie gesin sal so baie waardeer word. Asb kan julle help?
Baie dankie.
Vriendelike groete,
Ilze Geertsema
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