Good Morning Angels: Honouring 16-year-old Nick Prinsloo who died of cancer
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
When cancer takes a child... honouring 16-year-old Nick Prinsloo.

BACKGROUND: Willie and Nicolle Prinsloo had to lay their 16-year-old son, Nick, to rest last Thursday. Willie, Nicole, Nick’s 14-year-old sister Jayda, and everyone around them, were rooting for Nick, every step of the way, for a long, painful 13 months. The Prinsloo family’s church and school community rallied around them: praying, helping, encouraging, supporting, and raising funds needed to give Nick the best medical chance possible.
Nick was only 15 when, one Sunday evening in early September 2018, he complained of stomach cramps. After a visit to the doctor, tests and a biopsy, the shocking diagnosis followed swiftly the lump in his stomach was a very rare form of cancer termed "desmoplastic round cell tumours”. Nick’s aggressive chemo started on 25 September, but the lump doubled in size. In February 2019, Nick’s spleen, a part of his pancreas and 15cm of his colon were removed during a complicated 10-hour operation. Nick recovered and the fight continued.
On 8 October 2019, at the tender age of 16, Nick Prinsloo passed away. Now, his family and all who loved and cared for him are left to deal with a life without Nick. For his family, this also means trying to recover from the immense financial burden his treatment brought with it. The reality is, the funeral costs are a huge burden and then there are the R123,000 in outstanding medical bills that need to be paid.
As much as we cannot make up for the loss of their child, Good Morning Angels will do all we can to relieve the Prinsloo family of this financial burden.
To assist the Prinsloo family, please make a donation to the following bank account:
Account name: N Prinsloo
Bank: ABSA
Acc nr: 9352 785414
Branch: 632005 (Lifestyle)
REQUEST FOR: 16-year old Nick Prinsloo’s family: Dad Willie and mom Nicolle Prinsloo
REQUESTS FROM: Several Jacaranda FM listeners, like Ronell Hardy, Mariette Nel and Bernice van Zyl
ANGEL 1: Sonja Smith from Sonja Smith Funeral Group
SPONSORING: Sonja Smith Funeral Group (Franchisor) has donated R25 000 to the family. Sonja Smith in her personal capacity is giving away a 7-days retreat in the Southern Cape for the parents to try and find some solace and healing in their grief.
ANGEL 2: Christo Bezuidenhout on behalf of the Round Table Theatre
SPONSORING: The Round Table Theatre production fundraiser is happening at South Downs College on 25 and 26 October and 1 and 2 November. From the funds raised, the Round Table will pay R30,000 towards Nick’s outstanding medical bills
ANGEL 3: Estean Stirrat, Southdowns College Teacher
SPONSORING: Estean, colleague Madrey Bekker in partnership with CANSA, last weekend organised a 24-hour swim-a-thon at Southdowns College to raise funds against cancer. From this fundraiser, they will donate R10,000 and Southdowns College will top this up with another R5,000 for a total donation of R15,000 towards Nick’s outstanding medical bills.
ANGEL 4: Gerhard van der Westhuizen and Rayno Strauss on behalf of their “Survivors” Golf Day coming up on 29 November 2019
SPONSORING: Gerhard and Rayno will donate R10,000 already raised for this years' golf day towards assisting Nick’s family
Good Morning Angels received more donations from listeners and even McDonald's in Midrand.
Good job, Angels, good job!

Dear Good Morning Angels,
We need your help.....
A beautiful boy by the name of Nick Prinsloo has lost his battle with cancer and passed away yesterday 8 October 2019 at the young age of 16. His family is devastated.
His family is overwhelmed by medical costs and the cost of having to lay their dear son to rest. He will be buried on the 17th of October in Centurion. Their medical expenses due are estimated at around R123 000.
Please please please can you get involved and help this family!
I thank you from the depths of my heart for your time and for all you do for those in need.
May God Bless you!
Bernice van Zyl
Goeie dag Martin en span.
Ek wil julle graag vertel van Nick Prinsloo en Groot asb vra of julle enige hulp kan verleen.
Verskoon asb as ek nie al die datums presies korrek het nie.
So begin September 2018 het Nick (15) gekla van maagpyn… Watse tiener kla nie van maagpyn nie, veral as dit naby toetsreeks of eksamen se leerwerk kom.
Hierdie was nie skool siekte nie, Nick se ouers is die Sondag aand met Nick na die naaste mediese kliniek toe, hulle het vir Nick verwys na ’n hospitaal in Centurion vir verdere toetse agv ‘n knop op sy “maag”.
Na die biopsie het die hartverskeurende nuus gekom… Nick het Kanker. Om spesifiek te wees “desmoplastic round cell tumours”
Baie raar kanker. Nick begin so gou moontlik met agressiewe Chemo die 25 September 2018.
En ons bid, almal wat jy raakloop vra jy om te bid, ons bid sonder ophou.
Ons huil saam elke keer as hy ‘n terug slag het, ons huil saam toe die hare uitval.
Maar ons bly bid, ons bly hoop.
Die 23 Januarie 2019 begin Nick sy laaste Chemo sessie.
Steeds bid ons, steed hoop ons…
5 Februarie 2019 bederf Reach for a Dream bietjie vir Nick.
15:00 kry hulle die uitslae van die CT scan…
15:00 5 Februarie 2019
Die chemo het nie gewerk nie, die gewas is 2keer so groot.
Verslae staan ek by my kantoor venster en uitkyk en vra:
Hoekom Nick?
Hoekom het die Chemo nie gehelp nie?
Ek dank God vir my twee gesonde kinders!
En elke keer kom die antwoord: “Ek slaan my oe op na die berge, waar sal my hulp vandaan kom?”
Ons bid weer, harder, meer, ons kry meer mense om te bid.
Die enigste uitweg is chirurgie…maar dit is so gevaarlik.
Ons bid vir dokters om oor Nick se pad te kom wat die kans sal vat
Die goeie nuus kom…. Dokters in Midstream is bereid om te opereer…
Die 22 Februarie 2019 gaan Nick teater toe, dokter reken tussen 7 – 16 ure…
Nou het die punt gekom waar ons Nick totaal in God se hande oorgee, God is ons groot geneesheer…nog al die tyd!
Dr het Nick se milt verwyder, gedeelte van sy pancreas en 15cm van sy kolon.
9.5 ure later kom die dokter uit met die nuus… Hy het 90% reg gekry wat hy gehoop het hy kon doen.
Nick is vandag 04/03/2019 ontslaan uit ICU en nou in gewone saal.
Ek is ‘n mamma maar nie Nick se Mamma nie!
Ek huil, maar nie naastenby die trane wat sy ouers stort nie.
My hart is seer maar nie gebroke soos sy ouers sin nie.
Asb Good Morning Angels help my om die Prinsloo gesin te help.
Al is dit net ‘n maand se kruidenierware, elke bietjie help op die ou einde van die dag.
Mariette Nel
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