Good Morning Angels: Honouring rugby player, Gertjie
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Giving a helping hand to the family who is mourning his passing.

Good Morning Angels was inundated with requests for beloved Kempton Wolwe rugby player, 23-year old Gertjie Roets.
He was shot in the leg by suspected robbers early Saturday morning, 7 April, after walking a friend home.
He was rushed to the local state hospital as he and his family did not have a medical aid - and his friends rallied together to raise funds to have him transferred to a private facility.
At the time, there was a real danger that Gertjie could loose his leg.
After raising enough funds, he was transferred, but in the end his leg was amputated.
Shortly after this, Gertjie passed away - he was buried on Monday 23 April. Gertjie’s family decided to set-up a fund in Gertjie’s honour, the G5-foundation, with the remaining funds that were raised for his treatment, to assist other people in a similar situation.
This, despite the fact that the family is financially strained - they insisted that they did not want to use “Gertjies money” for themselves.
GMA however also received a request for assistance for Gertjie’s mom, Yolanda and her family … as they have to scrape to get by and support all their children and grand children. Amid the heartbreak of dealing with Gertjies’ passing, this is not the first time Yolanda has lost a child.
In 2004, her daughter Sharon passed away in hospital, after she was run-over in a road crash on her scooter.
She died five days after her 21st birthday …
Our Angels today, Docx, originally wanted to assist with Gertjie’s medical costs, but after his passing still want to help his family.
REQUEST FROM: Mariana Wilkeson
REQUEST FOR: Yolanda Rocher-Laas and her family, mother of Gertjie Roets
ANGEL: Shanya Setter, Marketing officer for Docx
SPONSORING: Docx will assist Yolanda and her family with a donation of R25 000,00 for food and other personal and family necessities.
Take a listen to the moment below:
Dag Angels,
Ek is seker jul is bewus van Gert Roets se afsterwe.
Vandag versoek ek asseblief of jul sy ouers kan help. Die mense is deur hel en is finansieel nie sterk nie.
Gert word Maandag 23 April begrawe en al die fondse wat ingesamel is vir hom, wat oorgebly het, gaan hulle skenk aan iemand anders wat in ’n soortgelyke situasie is.
Hulle het ’n paar jaar gelede ook hulle dogter, Sharon verloor, nadat sy van haar scooter afgery is.
Die ouers vedien 'n “break”. Al is dit net kruideniersware of enige iets. Hulle sien look om na ander kinders en kleinkinders.
Kan ons asb ons harte oopmaak en die mense help? Hulle het niks verkeerd gedoen nie - net ouers wat 'n “RAW DEAL” gekry het.
Eers Sharon en nou Gertjie …
Dit sal so lekker wees om te weet hul hoef nie vir rukkie te worry oor waar gaan kos verdaan kom nie.
Vind dit asb in jul harte om hul te help. Ons glo in die “Angels” en weet hul sal enige iets doen om te help.
Byvoorbaat dankie Angels
Groete Mariana
Hi everyone,
On Saterday, the 7th of April, around 4 a.m. something very bad happened to two of my friends. Gert Roets 23 , Devan Kruger 23 and one of their friends got dropped off at home after a night out. The friend lives 1km away from Devans' house and asked them to walk home with her. They walked with her and got her home safetly. On the way back about 500 meters from Devans' house they heard a gun shot fired behind them they turned around and saw two armed men behind them. That's when Gert and Devan realised they needed to run for there lives. Devan took out his phone and threw it away while running towards a field and get a hiding place, while Gert took the shorter rout running in the open road. Two more shot were fired and Gert went down. He got up and kept running. Gert also headed for the veld, where Devan was, but fell into a big hole. The armed men left Gert and started looking for Devan but they couldn’t find him. Devan ran home and got his parents to call for help. The police and ambulance arrived at the scene about 10 minutes later. They got Gert out of the hole and rushed him to a state hospital for surgery …
Unfortunately Gert does not have medical aid. After the surgery the doctor told his family that they might have to amputate his leg because the bullet went though his main artery.
Gert is a very good rugby player and we are trying to collect donations to have him transferred to a private hospital, where we believe he will have a better chanse to keep his leg.
Gert has a kind soul and would not hurt a fly. Unfortunately he was in the wrong place at the wrong time that night.
His condition has deteriorated in the past 24 hours so we need to get him moved a.s.a.p.
Any donations would help.
Thank you,
Jaco Lombard
Good day angels
My name is Johan Kruger. One of my fellow rugby players, Gert Roets, at Kempton Wolwe rugby club was shot in the early morning on Saturday. He and one of his friends were walking home when two men just started shooting at them. He is currently in ICU at Thembisa hospital were he is in danger of loosing his leg. His family does not have medical aid and needs to transfer him to a private hospital where he could get the treatment he needs to save his leg. The family needs abour R300 000 to get him transfered. There is a facebook page "help vir gertjie" that has more information about the requirements of the family.
If there is anyway that you could maybe help gertjie it would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Johan Kruger
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