Good Morning Angels: A pre-birthday surprise for bed-ridden Tiaan
Updated | By Breakfast with Martin Bester
Tiaan Greyling from Kempton Park is celebrating his 31st birthday on 17 November, but he has not been well for many years.

BACKGROUND: In fact, Tiaan has been house-bound for the past five years. When he was three, his parents realised that all was not well with their son. It was established that he only had 7% hearing - therefore, he started school at Sonitus School for children with hearing loss.
From age seven, Tiaan fell a lot at school and by age nine, his balance and physical ability had deteriorated to such an extent that he became wheelchair-bound. According to Tiaan’s mother, Antonette Greyling, doctors have not been able to diagnose him with any specific condition, even though four members of his dad’s family had Motor Neuron Disease.
Tiaan had a back operation recently and has to receive physiotherapy and wear diapers as he cannot be transported or moved. He has not been out of the house in five years due to mobility difficulty. He is currently bed-ridden and is due to have a follow-up operation in January 2021. His family do all they can to care for Tiaan, to keep him comfortable and pain free, however they cannot afford to buy him the electric hospital bed and mattress he needs to prevent bed-sores, or a new wheelchair with a high back and soft cushion to support his 120 kilogram body. That’s why a friend of the family wrote to Good Morning Angels.
REQUEST FOR: Tiaan Greyling
REQUEST FROM: Amoré Grobbelaar
ANGEL 1: Steve Drennan, Mobility 24 ARJO, Business Development Manager
SPONSORING: Mobility 24 ARJO will donate an electric hospital bed fitted with a comfortable specialised foam mattress for Tiaan to assist against bed-sores and to make him more comfortable
ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC
SPONSORING: The GMA Fund will assist the family with the R15,000 to buy a proper wheelchair and other medical expenses for Tiaan.
Goeie dag
Ek wil graag om hulp vra vir n gestremde seun Tiaan en vir sy gesin. Tiaan het n onbekende spier siekte wat geen dokter, na dertig jaar van ondersoek, kan verduidelik nie. Die siekte sit hom in baie ongemak met vreeslike pyn. Tiaan kan nie loop en alledaagse dinge vir homself doen nie en maak gebruik van n rolstoel elke dag. Boonop het Tiaan net 7% van sy gehoor. Tiaan is huidiglik bed lêend na n lae rug operasie en gaan in Januarie 2021 weer vir n rug operasie. Hy benodig n nuwe rolstoel waarvoor sy ouers R11 000 uit die sak moet haal. Dokters het ook aanbeveel dat Tiaan n elektroniese hospitaalbed by die huis moet hê sodat hy homself kan opskuif en posisioneer soos nodig aangesien hy dit nie self kan doen nie. Die hospitaalbed kos amper n arm en n been. Tiaan het ook n fisioterapeut nodig wat huisbesoeke kan doen want om hom te vervoer is vir hom baie pynlik en is n groot gesukkel.
Sy ma, Antonette, het haar hande vol met n kind wat elke oomblik van haar aandag nodig het en haar werk, asook die werk as n ma om die bal te laat rol. Sy moet hom bed-bad en voer.
Groot asseblief help die gesin om hom so ver moontlik te probeer help om van sy spierfunksie te behou en hom so gemaklik soos moontlik te kry
Dit sal vir Tiaan en sy gesin die wêreld beteken om hom net weer in n stort of swembad te kan sit en die son op sy gesig te voel.
Dankie dat ons op julle ondersteuning kan staat maak en vir al die goeie dade wat julle vir mense in nood verrig.
Amoré Grobbelaar
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