Changing the lives of young people in the community through music

Changing the lives of young people in the community through music

Two young men are giving the young people in the township of Masiphumelele a better future through the gift of music. 

Ayabonga Tshemese & Onke Mbopha
Ayabonga Tshemese and Onke Mbopha/ Supplied

An idle mind is the devil's playground. This is why it is important to ensure that young people are given something to do to ensure they don’t find themselves falling into crime or doing bad things to keep themselves entertained. 

Two young men - Ayabonga Tshemese and Onke Mbopha - are examples that it is important to transfer skills that you have learned to others in order to better their lives. 

At the age of ten, Ayabonga loved the guitar and thought he would be a guitar player. But after being exposed to a group of kids playing the violin, his dream changed. He developed a passion for violin. 

“I didn't even know the name of this instrument,” he told Beautiful News

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The kids playing were part of the Masi Violin Project, a non-profit dedicated to providing free music education, reports the publication. 

Ayabonga met Onke after he joined the project and the two of them mastered playing the instrument. 

Today, the two young men have devoted themselves to changing the lives of young people in their community. They are skilled violin teachers, giving free, twice-weekly violin lessons to learners aged six to 21, reports the publication.

“They get their own violin, get to take ownership of the musical journey, and get to engage with professional musicians,” Onke explains.  

“Violin is not a usual instrument but here at Masi, it changed my life,” Ayabonga adds. 

This year alone, the teachers have 64 students. As part of their success stories, their students have performed in front of the renowned Cape Philharmonic Orchestra. 

They have moved many kids from the streets and are helping them channel their energy into mastering a skill that can someday lead to them performing all over the world. 

READ: Man creates library to give young people a brighter future

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