It's A thing: Living transgender

It's A thing: Living transgender

This week's episode is one that's close to my heart, one of the humans I love the most is speaking her truth, a truth that some humans feel very strongly about! 

It's A thing: Living transgender
This is a truth that divides, a truth that creates an 'us and them' mentality, but a truth, none the less. 

Transgender - I am sure you have an opinion, whether it's in regard to sports or bathrooms or dating, you have an opinion, but what if that headline, social media post, 'topic' was a living, breathing human, would you feel differently? 

Another great episode: It's a thing: The new political party

My friend, Cher Pete is transgender and is answering all of the questions, from surgeries to childhood and dating.

Also watch: It's a thing: The Billionaire 

Listen here:

Also - she's raising money for a life changing procedure, and if you can, you can help her become the the woman she was always meant to be. 

Click here to read her story and help, however you can!

Listen to more from 'The Danny Painter show' here:

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