Meet the man who ran the Two Oceans Marathon - on crutches!

Meet the man who ran the Two Oceans Marathon - on crutches!

We all need motivation occasionally, and as it's Monday, what better motivation than a man who finsihed a marathon on crutches?

Supplied - Ipeleng Khunou

Ipeleng Khunou is 31, was at a point in his life where he was overweight and unhealthy. At 120kg he decided to get off of his butt and do something to change his life and his fitness. Thus he began a journey that is very quickly changing his life, and loads of others around him. 

Finishing The Two Oceans is hard, 21km of pure mental strength and that's for an athlete without any setbacks.

Ipeleng was born with a very rare condition - Speto Optic Dysplasia - which makes him off balance. It took an incredible feat of human strength and will for Ipelengto finish the race. Running with crutches, blisters and cuts on his hands didn't stop him. He finished and is already planning his next adventure!

Speaking to me last week, he said the applause at the end of a race was awesome, but it wasn't enough, he wants to make a difference, and so he ran the two Oceans for the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund. 

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Supplied - Ipeleng Khunou

And now? Well, he's planning the most epic adventure yet. He is training to run from Pretoria to Cape Town in an unbelievable 10 day non stop journey. Ipeleng will be joining teams of both differently-abled runners and hand cyclists from the 10th of May to complete a total of 2100kms.

Also read: This teacher is going above and beyond for his students!

He's promised to keep us updated and share his adventures from Pretoria to Cape Town and we can't wait to follow him all the way!

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