The smallest gestures can answer prayers!

The smallest gestures can answer prayers!

Kim Colvin could never have known the impact her home cooked roast beef dinner would have on a total stranger. 

Prayers answered
Facebook Video Screenshot | Kim Colvin

After cooking herself a roast dinner, American mom, Kim Colvin realised after all the years of cooking for growing kids, she had cooked far too much for just herself. 

“Ever since the boys got grown and I live on my own,” Colvin said. “I really don’t know how to cook small anymore.” She finished her dinner and started packing the leftovers. She realized she probably wouldn’t be able to finish all the food by herself before it went bad. Deciding she couldn't let the food go to waste, she packed up enough plates to feed ten people and headed off to the local area where she knew homeless people would be. She had no idea what an impact the food would make to one woman in particular. 

She noticed the woman on her knees praying with her little children beside her. “Lord, if I could just feed my children,” Colvin recalled her saying. When she saw Colvin standing there with food, tears started rolling down from her face—she knew God had answered her prayer. The woman shared how she had no money, nor any place to stay and, that night, she had just prayed God would provide some food so that she could feed her three children, if not herself.

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Colvin took to her Facebook page to share an incredibly emotional video. 

The smallest act of kindness can have a massive impact, in a world where you can be anything, always be kind. 

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