Could this be the most dramatic haircut ever?

Could this be the most dramatic haircut ever?

Brace yourself for some serious laughter.

Boy crying over haircut

Kids can be so dramatic sometimes. Like this boy in a video that has gone viral showing him getting a haircut.

Believe us when we say this is the most dramatic haircut you will ever see.

The young boy starts off by asking his mom to take his iPhone as he wriggles his feet and shakes his body, causing the hairdresser to press him down to try keep him still.He then moves on to cause a scene by crying out loud. As if that wasn’t enough, he then decides to scream.

“I wanna get off. Mommy take my iPhone away, I’m going to die,” he can be heard saying.

Sadly for him, the hairdresser just laughed at him and carried on cutting his hair. Shame!

See the dramatic boy in the video below.

Also read: Is this child drinking on national TV?

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