Could ‘health passports’ allow vaccinated patrons back into their favourite pubs?

Could ‘health passports’ allow vaccinated patrons back into their favourite pubs?

A tech expert has developed a 'health passport' on phones that could allow ­vaccinated patrons back into clubs, bars, theatres, and sporting events.

pubgoers covid

A new ‘health passport’ that verifies individuals who have been vaccinated has been primed to be the key to reopening pubs and larger gatherings.

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According to The Sun, Britain's Department of Health chiefs are in talks with Louis-James Davis, a 32-year-old tech expert from Manchester. Davis created the 'health passport', called 'VCode'.

“It’s not yet clear what restrictions will be in place later in the year but the VCode would be able to handle any of them. Organisers would be confident about letting you into an event and you would feel safe, knowing the others around were also in the low-risk category.”

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'VCode' allows officials to scan it from three metres away. The app will also be able to tell if a person has received the vaccine and the date and results of all COVID-19 tests.

"There’s the added advantage that the 'VCode' is much more secure than the QR code. It’s also unhackable and tamper-proof. And, unlike a paper certificate, it cannot be forged.," Davis added.

The distinctive code is developed in such a way that there are enough to produce 300-million for every person on Earth.

Cover image courtesy of iStock

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