Foods to help get your mojo back after a long break

Foods to help get your mojo back after a long break

Lost your mojo? Learn about the foods that will help you get it back.

Deppressed worker

The year may have just begun, but that doesn’t mean we all feel fired up and ready to go. The end-of-year break may have been wonderful, but returning to work may leave some of us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and even bored - especially if you hate your job.

But it is dangerous to carry on in life if you feel depressed and have lost your mojo. So we look at what you can do to get your mojo back - with the help of food!

Eat food that will make you happier

Being happy is very important if you are looking at getting your mojo back. So shun away from negative thoughts that steal your joy. Lingering on failures and negativity will leave you feeling more drained. So ensure that you get your mojo back by thinking positive thoughts and eating food that will help boost your happiness levels such as fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate, and nuts.

Exercise and eat energy-boosting foods

Exercising and eating the right foods help the body to function well. Exercising not only helps combat diseases and helps with maintaining a good weight, but it also acts as an energy booster. But of course it has to be coupled with eating the right foods. Foods such as spinach, honey, beans, almonds, and salmon are great energy-boosting foods.

Choose to look good and eat foods that will make your skin glow

The way we look counts a lot in terms of how we feel and how we perform. So choose to look good and sexy. Fortunately, there are foods that can help your skin glow. Apart from veggies and fruits, foods such as avocado, fish, beans, and wholegrains will help make your skin look good. Don’t forget to drink lots of water, too.

Also read: 5 foods that help you detox

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