"Give me something to eat! Now!" - Maskless woman threatens to stab KFC worker

"Give me something to eat! Now!" - Maskless woman threatens to stab KFC worker

A woman at a KFC store jumped on the counter and threatened to stab a worker after she was refused service for not wearing a face mask.

kfc rant
New York Post.

The irate woman had just been refused her mashed potatoes and gravy at the outlet when she started verbally attacking the KFC employee in a fit of rage.

READ ALSO: KFC pauses their "It's Finger Lickin' Good" slogan

In the video, that has been widely shared on social media, the woman can be heard screaming, “I’m f–king hungry! Give me something to eat! Now!” after she jumped on the table.

In response to this, the employee at the California store stated that it’s against their policy to serve customers who aren’t wearing face masks. But his explanation did little to stop her rant.

According to New York Post, the woman also told the worker “she wanted some mashed potatoes and gravy or he was going to get stabbed.”


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